Malaysian Journal of Analytical Sciences Vol 20 No 6 (2016): 1346 -1358







(Residu Racun Serangga dalam Tanah Pertanian dan Penilaian Kesihatan Terhadap Manusia

di Cameron Highlands, Malaysia)


Yang Farina1, 2*, Md Pauzi Abdullah1, 2, Nusrat Bibi1,3, Wan Mohd Afiq Wan Mohd Khalik1


1School of Chemical Sciences and Food Technology, Faculty of Science and Technology,

Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 UKM Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia

2Centre for Water Research and Analysis, Faculty of Science and Technology,

Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 UKM Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia

3Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science,

Sardar Bahadur Khan Women University, Quetta, Pakistan


*Corresponding author:



Received: 16 May 2016; Accepted: 21 September 2016




Soil contamination is one of the sensitive issue in agricultural region of Cameron Highlands, Malaysia, which is a largest vegetable producer. Organochlorine pesticides (OCPs), organophosphorus pesticides (OPPs) and pyrethroids pesticides (PYRs) concentrations were measured in 35 soil samples of selected crops. Among OCPs, the average concentration in the soil of these crops grown was in the order of cauliflowers > cabbage > broccoli > lettuce > celery > spinach > mustard, while for OPPs; spinach > broccoli > cabbage > cauliflower > celery > lettuce > mustard > and for PYRs it was broccoli > cabbage > cauliflower > spinach > mustard > celery > lettuce. For risk assessment life time average daily dose (LADD) of  SOCPs, SOPPs and SPYRs for adults were calculated at 2.1 x 10-7 – 1 x 10-6 mg kg-1 d-1, 1.46 x 10-11 – 3.6 x 10-10 mg kg-1 d-1 and 1.28 x 10-12 – 3.42 x 10-12 mg kg-1 d-1  meanwhile for children  5.3 x 10-8 – 2.7 x 10-7 mg kg-1 d-1,  3.8 x 10-11 – 9.4 x 10-10 mg kg-1 d-1 and 8.8 x 10-12 – 1.6 x 10-10 mg kg-1 d-1. The hazard quotient (HQ) was £ 1 indicating less health risks for humans. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) indicates a strong correlation of high pesticides residual concentration of the soil of crops (cauliflower, cabbage and broccoli) with soil properties (pH and organic content) thus influencing its mobility and persistence whereas for other crops soil the decrease residual concentration might be related to crop type, rotation, roots exude, rhizosphere effect, or a rapid disappearance of pesticides after application.


Keywords:  organochlorine, organophosphorus, pyrethroids, gas chromatography, multivariate analysis



Pencemaran tanah merupakan salah satu daripada isu yang sensitif dalam kawasan pertanian di Cameron Highlands, Malaysia, di mana ianya merupakan kawasan pengeluar sayur yang terbesar di Malaysia. Kepekatan racun serangga organoklorin (OCPs), organofosforus (OPPs) dan piretroid (PYRs) telah diukur dalam 35 sampel tanah dari tanaman yang terpilih. Berikut merupakan tertib kepekatan OCPs dalam tanah dari tanaman kubis bunga > kubis > brokoli > salad > sederi > bayam > sawi, manakala untuk OPPs adalah bayam > brokoli > kubis > kubis bunga > saderi > salad > sawi dan untuk PYRs adalah brokoli > kubis > kubis bunga > bayam > sawi > saderi > salad. Bagi penilaian risiko purata jangka hayat dos harian (LADD) untuk SOCPs, SOPPs dan SPYRs untuk dewasa adalah 2.1 x 10-7 – 1 x 10-6 mg kg-1 d-1, 1.46 x   10-11 – 3.6 x 10-10 mg kg-1 d-1 dan 1.28 x 10-12 – 3.42 x 10-12 mg kg-1 d-1, manakala kanak – kanak  5.3 x 10-8 – 2.7 x 10-7 mg kg-1 d-1,  3.8 x 10-11 – 9.4 x 10-10 mg kg-1 d-1  dan  8.8 x 10-12 – 1.6 x 10-10 mg kg-1 d-1. Darjah bahaya (HQ) adalah £ 1 iaitu menjelaskan bahawa ianya kurang berisiko terhadap kesihatan manusia. Analisis komponen utama (PCA) menunjukkan terdapat korelasi yang kuat untuk kepekatan residu racun serangga yang tinggi daripada tanah untuk tanaman (kubis bunga, kubis, dan brokoli) dengan ciri – ciri tanah (pH dan kandungan organik) sekali gus mempengaruhi mobiliti dan pengekalannya manakala untuk tanah tanaman lain kepekatan residu berkurangan mungkin disebabkan oleh faktor yang berkaitan jenis tanaman, kitaran, rembesan akar – akar, kesan rezosfera, atau kehilangan racun yang cepat selepas penggunaannya.


Kata kunci:  organoklorin, organofosforus, piretroid, kromatografi gas, analisis multivariat



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