Malaysian Journal of Analytical Sciences Vol 20 No 6 (2016): 1413 - 1420







(Kesan pH pada Penurunan Fluks bagi Pemeringkatan Glukosa daripada Hidrolisis Selulosa Melalui Membran Polisulfon)


Masniroszaime Md Zain and Abdul Wahab Mohammad*


Department of Chemical Engineering and Process, Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment,

Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 UKM Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia


*Corresponding author: 



Received: 21 October 2015; Accepted: 14 June 2016




Concentrating glucose after enzymatic hydrolysis of lignocellulosic biomass is an important step in order to prepare the stream to undergo the fermentation process. However, glucose itself can be inhibitor for the enzymatic hydrolysis, hence in situ glucose removal is recommended. Ultrafiltration represents a promising procedure for isolation of enzymes from hydrolysate and for the removal of glucose. One of the obstacles in successfully utilizing ultrafiltration’s membranes has been due to the membrane fouling.  The flux behavior of polysulfone (PSF) membrane was studied in concentrating glucose from cellulose hydrolysate during dead end ultrafiltration. Different pH of solutions was used and Kumar’s model was applied to analyse the fouling mechanism. The minimum fouling was obtained at pH solution above the IEP due to protein-protein and membrane-protein repulsions alleviating aggregation and fouling. Cake formation blocking was identified as the dominant mechanism for flux decline.


Keywords:  enzyme hydrolysis, lignocellulosic biomass, ultrafiltration, polysulfone, fouling



Pemekatan glukosa selepas hidrolisis enzim bagi penghasilan bioetanol daripada biojisim lignoselulosa merupakan langkah yang penting bagi penyediaan untuk proses fermentasi selanjutnya. Penuras ultra menjadi pilihan bagi kaedah yang berpotensi untuk penyekatan enzim dan penyingkiran glukosa daripada larutan hidrolisis. Namun, salah satu rintangan bagi penggunaan maksima bagi penuras ultra adalah kotoran. Kriteria fluks bagi membran polisulfon di kaji dari pemekatan glukosa oleh larutan hidrolisis selulosa di penuras ultra hujung mati. Larutan yang berlainan pH digunakan untuk mengkaji profil fluks dan model Kumar digunakan untuk menganalisis mekanisma kotoran. Kotoran yang minima diperolehi pada larutan yang mempunyai pH yang lebih tinggi daripada nilai titik isoelektrik larutan hidrolisis. Halangan pembentukan kek telah dikenalpasti sebagai mekanisma yang dominan bagi pengurangan fluks.


Kata kunci:  hidrolisis enzim, biojisim lignoselulosa, penuras ultra, polisulfon, kotoran



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