Malaysian Journal of Analytical Sciences Vol 21 No 2 (2017): 445 - 451







(Aplikasi Teknologi Penyurih di Malaysia: Kajian Taburan Masa Mastautin)


Noraishah Othman*, Nor Pa’iza Mohamed Hassan, Roslan Yahya, Mior Ahmad Khusaini Adnan,

Mohd Rabaie Shari, Hearie Hassan, Airwan Affendy Mahmood


Plant Assessment Technology, Industrial Technology Division

Malaysian Nuclear Agency, 43000 Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia


*Corresponding author:



Received: 21 October 2015; Accepted: 14 June 2016




The residence time distribution (RTD) study at power generation plant was successfully carried out using radiotracer technology. In this study, Tc99m was used as the source of radioactive whereas NaI(Tl) detector was the scintillant detector. Previous study only concentrated on getting the flow rate from two successive peaks without producing any mathematical model. Thus, the hydrodynamics behaviour of the liquid inside the plant was weakly described. In this study, axial dispersed plug flow model is the best RTD model due to minimal value of sum of square which is 0.261 x 10-5 compare to other RTD models recommended by International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).


Keywords:  residence time distribution, radiotracer technology, RTD models, sum of square



Kajian taburan masa mastautin (RTD) telah berjaya dilakukan di loji janakuasa elektrik menggunakan teknologi penyurih. Untuk kajian ini, Tc99m telah digunakan sebagai penyurih radioaktif manakala pengesan NaI digunakan sebagai pengesan sintilasi. Kajian terdahulu hanya memberi maklumat berkaitan pengukuran kadar alir yang terhasil daripada dua puncak turutan yang terhasil tanpa membuat laporan berkaitan permodelan RTD. Oleh itu, kelakuan hidrodinamik bendalir di dalam loji tidak dapat dijelaskan dengan  baik. Untuk kajian ini, model aliran palam taburan aksial merupakan model terbaik RTD berbanding model yang dicadangkan oleh IAEA kerana nilai jumlah kuasa dua terhasil yang rendah iaitu 0.261 x 10-5.


Kata kunci:  taburan masa mastautin, teknologi penyurih, permodelan RTD, jumlah kuasa dua



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