The Malaysian Society for Microbiology is the midst of preparation of the Cabinet Paper for the establishment of the Institut Mikrobiologi Malaysia (Microbiology Institute of Malaysia). The Draft for IMM Constitution in attached.





1.         The Institute shall be called “Institut Mikrobiologi Malaysia” (“Microbiology Institute of Malaysia”), herein-after called the “Institut”.

2.         The registered place of business shall be the School of Biosciences and Biotechnology, Faculty of Science and Technology, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, or at such other place or places as may from time to time be decided on by the Council. The registered place of business of the Institute shall not be changed without the prior approval of the Registrar of Societies.


Article II : SEAL

1.         The Seal of the Institute, which shall be affixed to any certificate, document or writing of the Institute except where not authorized by resolution of the Council, shall be of the following design :-

2.         The Seal shall be of circular form, with an outer, and an inner, circle of not less than 3.5 cm, and 2.9 cm, diameter respectively, defining an annular space within which shall be clearly written, as depicted, the words “Institut Mikrobiologi Malaysia”. Within the inner circle shall be centrally drawn a microscope in the depicted shape as in Malaysian Society for Microbiology Logo, with a height of not less than 2.5 cm and a width of not less than 1.1 cm.

3.         The seal depicts the basic tool of the field of Microbiology and thus symbolizes the role of the Microbiologist within Malaysia.


Article III :     OBJECTS

1.         The objects of the Institute are :

a)         to provide a central organisation for Microbiologist in the form of a learned and scientific institute for microbiology and to provide for the definition of, and qualification for, the various branches of the profession of the microbiological sciences.

b)         to promote friendly interaction amongst micrcobiologist and to hold meetings for readings and discussions of matters relating to Microbiology and their various sciences connected therewith.

c)         to regulate and to uphold the dignity, standing and reputation of the profession of microbiology.

d)         to promote and advance the knowledge, study and practice of microbiology and the various sciences connected therewith.

e)         to, assist, advise and co-operate with government departments and other private or public bodies in an honorary capacity on questions relating to the science of microbiology and policy in respect of health, agricultural, industrial and general microbial resource utilisation for the advancement of knowledge, mankind,wealth creation and all other matters connected therewith.


Article IV :     MEMBERSHIP

1.         There shall be four (4) classes of membership of the Institut. They shall be respectively Fellows, Members, Licentiates and Graduate Members.

            Fellows, Members and Licentiates shall be Corporate Members of the Institute.

            Members of the Institute shall use the abbreviations corresponding to the respective class of membership follows:-

            Fellow F.I.M.M.
            Member M.I.M.M.
            Licenciate L.I.M.M.

            Graduate members shall not be designated by any abbreviation.

2.         All applications for membership shall be made on forms approved by the Council and shall be proposed by two corporate members of the institute, one of whom must certify his personal knowledge of the applicant. Such application shall be submitted to the Secretary who shall table the same before the next following Council meeting for their consideration.

Every applicant shall satisfy the Council that he or she has fulfilled the requirements prescribed by these rules and such other bye-laws which may be imposed by the Council as a condition of membership and he or she shall produce such evidence of fitness for admission as the Council shall require.

3.         The Council may in their absolute discretion, by resolution passed at a meeting of the Council and without assigning any reason for their refusal, refuse to admit to membership any application.

4.         Members of the Institute shall be admitted to the classes of members in accordance with their qualification and experience herein-under specified by the Council whose decision shall be final.

5.         A candidate for transfer or election into the class of Fellows shall possess the following qualifications:

a)      He/She shall be a member or shall have satisfied the conditions for admission to the class of members and has been a member for three (3) years


b)         He/She shall have at least fifteen years of professional experience in microbiology

            i.          shall be in responsible charge of important microbiology based projects, and

            ii.         shall have been a consultant in the branches of microbiology provided that the Council shall be satisfied that the training and technical experience of the candidate engaged as a consultant justified such professional status.

            iii.        shall have been an advisor (governmental/societal) in the branches of microbiology provided that the Council shall be satisfied that the training and technical experience of the candidate engaged as an advisor justified such professional status.

            iv.        He/she has held Office in the Malaysian Society for Microbiology for a minimum of three terms

            v.         Position of Fellow is by nomination. Nominees who currently are Members of IMM may be nominated to the status of fellow. He/She should submit a complete curriculum vitae to the Institute for evaluation by panel made up of Council Members and Independent individuals who shall be determined by the Institute. The Institute has the discretion to accept or reject any nominations.


c)         He/She shall be employed in the field of microbiology at the time of his/her application and shall satisfy the Council that he/she is a fit and proper person to become a Fellow.

6.         A candidate for transfer or election into the class of Members shall not be less than fourty years of age and shall possess the following qualifications:

            i)          He/She shall be a person who has a Bachelor’s degree with Honours in Microbiology from a University or Institution of higher learning recognised by the Government of Malaysia or equivalent qualification.

            ii)         He/She shall be in possession of experience in a branch of microbiology for 10 years during which he/she should have at least lead 5 research projects in the field.

            iii)        He/she should be a Life member of the Malaysian Society for Microbiology and

            iv)        He/she has been an EXCO member of the Malaysian Society for Microbiology for a duration of at leastn three terms.

            V)        He/She should submit a complete curriculum vitae to the Institute for evaluation by panel made up of Council Members and Independent individuals who shall be determined by the Institute. He/She will be called for and interview to satisfy the Council of his/her eligibility to be admitted as a Member of IMM.

7.         A candidate for election into the class of Licentiates shall not be less than thirty years of age and shall possess the following qualifications:

            a)         He/She shall be in possession a degree in microbiology or equivalent qualification.

            b)         He/She shall  possess experience in a branch of microbiology for at least five years.

c)         He/She shall have passed the Specified Competency Evaluation through an internal panel made out of Membership Evaluation of the Institute provided that the Council say exempt a candidate from part of the Membership evaluation if he/she has shown outstanding contribution to the field of microbiology.

d)         He/She shall satisfy the Council that he/she is a fit and proper person to become a Licentiate.

e)         He/She should submit a complete curriculum vitae to the Institute for evaluation by panel made up of Council Members and Independent individuals who shall be determined by the Institute. He/She will be called for and interview to satisfy the Council of his/her eligibility to be admitted as a Licentiate of IMM.

8.         A candidate for election into the class of Graduate Member shall be a person who has a Bachelor’s degree with Honours in Microbiology recognized by the Government of Malaysia or equivalent qualification.

9.         Every applicant for corporate membership shall give an undertaking that he or she will, if admitted:

a)         observe and be bound by the rules and bye-laws of the Institute which may be in force so long as he or she is a corporate member,

b)         return to the Institute any certificate of membership which may have been issued to him or her, on his or her resignation or on demand of the Council.

10.       Every corporate member shall be bound by the Rules of Professional Conduct as laid down by the Institute

11.       Any corporate member shall, if required by the Council, satisfy the Council that he or she is qualified to retain his or her corporate membership of the Institute.

12.       A Register of members shall be kept and maintained by the Council at such place or  places as the Council may from time to time decide. Such Register shall show the class of membership to which each and every member of the Institute has been admitted, and the date of admission.

13.       The Council, upon being satisfied of the death of any corporate member or graduate member, shall remove his or her name from the Register of the Institute.

14.       The Council may from time to time prescribe, shall issue, to each member a Certificate showing the Class to which he or she belongs. Every such Certificate shall remain the property of, and shall on demand, be returned to the Institute. Such Certificates shall be signed by the President or Vice-President and by two members of the Council, for the time being and countersigned by the he Secretary of the Council, and bear the Seal of the Institute.

15.       Any member say at any time, by giving notice in writing and sent by registered post of delivered to the Secretary at the registered place of  business of the Institute, and accompanied by the certificate of membership held by him or her, resign his or her membership.

16.       The Council shall have the right, by majority of three quarters of the Council present at a Council Meeting specially convened to consider the case and voting to expel or suspend from the Institute any member, who has been guilty of any conduct contravening the Institute’s Code of Professional Conduct or of any laws introduced to govern the conduct of a Microbiologist, or which in the discretion of the Council unfits him or her for membership of the Institute, provided that such member shall have been given at least fourteen days notice in writing of a motion to that effect on the Agenda paper and shall be permitted to be present at the meeting, and be heard in his or her own defense. Such expulsion or suspension of a member shall have to be confirmed during an Annual General Meeting of the Institute which shall have the right to overrule such expulsion or suspension on the appeal of the member.

17.       In the event of the suspension or removal of a member, the Council shall be at liberty to cause notice of cessation of membership to be published in such newspaper or journals as they may decide.

18.       The re-election to membership of any person who has for any reason ceased to be a member of the Institute shall be dealt with in the same manner as an original application.



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