

Electrographic evidence of epileptic discharge is a hallmark as a sign of epilepsy. Current method in detecting epileptic discharge is still relying on visual examination which is operator dependent and tedious process. Recent advances in computer technology will provide a huge benefit in transforming manual process into an automated process, resulting in faster and reliable diagnosing. However, at present, there are still limitations in current automated process in terms of performance and applicability in clinical practise.


To transform current practise in assessing EEG data into automated process To develop automated epileptic discharge detection that can be clinically applied.


This registry is established to increase the needs of EEG data from both male and female subjects (ageā‰„18 years old) diagnosed with possible epilepsy or established epilepsy subject. All the EEG data are to be verified with epileptic discharge by neurologist. Participant from more neurologist by submitting suitable EEG data with analysis report is very much appreciated in improving the accuracy of developed algorithm.


EEG with minimum duration of 15 minutes and in bipolar montage will be uploaded in this registry. The EEG must be verified and stated with the numbers of spike, sharp and phase reversal. The EEG will be processed using Computerized Recognition of Epileptic Discharge (CREED) and to be verified against clinical finding.