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Research Objectives

The overall objective of this research project is to develop an online sustainable subject-based professional development model for follow on from a proof of concept pilot with a group of 20 English, Mathematics and Science teachers from 5 selected Smart schools in Kuala Lumpur and Shah Alam.

The project aims specifically to achieve the following objectives:

  1. To investigate the needs of the Smart School English Language teachers.
  2. To develop and integrate an online resource that supports change through the sharing of effective classroom practice and identification of appropriate professional development activities.
  3. To utilize the online resource to support change in the 5 selected Smart schools.
  4. To monitor the progress in professional development and ICT skills of the teachers of English, Science and Mathematics in the selected schools.
  5. To investigate to what extent the knowledge and ICT skills gained by these teachers are transferred to the students in their classes.
To formulate the e-CPDelT: model 2020 based on the findings of this project and to propose this model (which include an online training programme and software ) to the Ministry of Education for nationwide implementation for teacher professional and ICT skills development .


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