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  • Publications
Title of Paper
Date Published
Title of Journal
Name of Author(s)
Issue & Page No.
Teachers’ views of their involvement in an online community of practice project.(article)
CALL-EJ Online
Thang, S. M., Hazita Azman, Nambiar, R., Lee, K. W., Yuen, C. K., Leila Bidmeshki

Vol. 11,
No. 1.

Investigating Malaysian Tutors’ Perceptions of the eEducator.
Malaysian Journal of Distance Education

Thang, S.M & Puvaneswary Murugaiah

Vol. 11(1), pp. 71-89
Localisation of the e-educator Module: The Malaysian Experience (article)
Turkish Journal of Distance Education (TOJDE)
Thang, S. M. & Joyes, G
Vol.10 (2).
An investigation of the ICT challenges and practices of Malaysian smart school teachers
Malaysian Journal of Information and Communication Technology
Thang, S.M, Puvaneswary Murugaiah,  Pramela Krishnasam, Azizah Yaa’cob, Hazita Azman
Challenges in creating and maintaining online Communities of Practice (VCoP) in Malaysian Smart schools: Lessons learned.
in press
Proceedings of EuroCALL 09
Thang, S.M., Puvaneswary Murugaiah, Carol Hall & Hazita Azman
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