Sains Malaysiana 29:103-118 (2000) Pengajian Kuantitatif /
Quantitative Studies
Heteroscedastic Nonlinear Regression by
Using Tanh Psi Function
Habshah Midi
Jabatan Matematik
Universiti Putra Malaysia
43400 UPM Serdang, Selangor D.E.Malaysia
This article is concerned with the extension of heteroscedastic nonlinear regression estimation by using Tanh Psi function. The robustness properties of the Tanh's and Hampel's Weighted MM (WMM) estimators were investiĀgated. In our simulation study, it has been shown that the biases and RMSE'S of the Hampel's estimates increase appreciably higher than the Tanh's estimates as the percentage of outliers increases. Hence, by utilising the Tanh's rho function in the WMM estimator, the accuracy and the efficiency of the estimates can be improved substantially.
Makalah ini adalah mengenai pengembangan penganggaran regresi tak linear berheteroskedastik menggunakan fungsi Tanh psi. Ciri keteguhan bagi penggangar Tanh dan Hampel Berpemberat MM (WMM) diselidiki. Dalam kajian simulasi, didapati bahawa kepincangan dan RMSE bagi anggaran Hampel menokok lebih tinggi daripada anggaran Tanh apabila peratusan titik terpencil bertambah. Dengan yang demikian, apabila fungsi rho Tanh digunakan dalam penganggaran WMM, kejituan dan keberkesanan anggaran tersebut boleh dipertingkatkan.
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