Sains Malaysiana 31: 205-221 (2002)                                                                                           Sains Hayat /

Life Science


Taburan Ektoparasit pada Ikan Marikultur

dan Kaitannya dengan Kualiti Air

(Distribution of Ectoparasites on Mariculture Fish and

 its Relationships to Water Quality)



Zainal-Abidin B.A.H. & Jarod S.

Pusat Pengajian Biosains & Bioteknologi

Fakulti Sains & Teknologi

Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia

43600 UKM Bangi, Selangor D.E. Malaysia





Taburan ektoparasit pada ikan marikultur komersil iaitu ikan siakap (Lates calcarifer) dan kerapu (Epinephelus tauvina) yang dipelihara dalam sangkar terapung di tiga kawasan persiaran pantai Pulau Pinang dan Kedah dan kaitannya dengan kualiti air telah dikaji. Penentuan parasit ditentukan pada bahagian sirip, kulit, mata, operkulum, insang dan mulut ikan. Parameter kualiti air seperti suhu, pH, oksigen terlarut, kemasinan dan kandungan ammonia (menggunakan Hyrolab dan Hatch Kit) dan kepekatan logam berat Hg, Cu, Cd dan Pb (menggunakan spektrofotometer serapan atom) juga ditentukan pada tempoh yang sama. Empat spesies parasit protozoa iaitu Brooklynella hostilis, Cryptocaryon irritans, Henneguya sp. dan Trichodina sp., dua spesies kopepod iaitu Caligus sp. dan Lepeoptheirus sp serta satu spesies monogenea iaitu Diplectanum sp. telah dikenalpasti daripada kedua-dua jenis ikan tersebut. Spesies ektoparasit yang ditemui dan taburannya pada ikan di ketiga-tiga kawasan kajian didapati hampir serupa sepanjang tempoh kajian. Prevalen jangkitan parasit berbeza mengikut bulan persampelan, prevalenjangkitan ini meningkat pada bulan ketiga dan keempat persampelan dengan prevalen Trichodina sp. selalunya lebih tinggi berbanding parasit-parasit lain. Parasit ditemui pada hampir semua badan ikan yang diperiksa dan bahagian insang paling sering dijangkiti. Ikan yang berumur tiga bulan didapati juga lebih kerap dijangkiti parasit berbanding ikan berumur enam bulan. Parameter kualiti air yang diukur menunjukkan bahawa kualiti air di ketiga-tiga kawasan kajian masih baik dan berada pada tahap yang selamat untuk pemeliharaan ikan. Ini mungkin menjelaskan kenapa spesies dan taburan ektoparasit di kawasan-kawasan tersebut hampir serupa. Namun begitu kepekatan logam berat Pb adalah tinggi bagi semua kawasan. Ini dikhuatiri boleh mempengaruhi taburan atau prevalen sesetengah parasit. Menerusi analisis regresi logistik, telah didapati kepekatan Pb yang tinggi ini berkait rapat dengan prevalen jangkitan Trichodina sp. yang juga tinggi pada kedua-dua jenis ikan di semua kawasan kajian.





The distribution of ectoparasites on commercial-mariculture fish seabasses (Lates calcarifer) and groupers (Epinephelus tauvina) kept in floating cages from three coastline mariculture farms in Pulau Pinang and Kedah and its relationship to the water quality were studied. Parasites were identified from the fin, skin, eye, operculum, gills and mouth parts of the fish. Water quality parameters such as temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, salinity and ammonia (measured with Hydrolab and Hatch Kit) and heavy metals such as Hg, Cu, Cd and Pb (measured with Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer) were also determined. Four species of parasitic protozoa (Brooklynella hostilis, Cryptocaryon irritans, Henneguya sp. and Trichodina sp.), two species of copepod (Caligus sp. and Lepeophtheirus sp.) and a monogenean species (Diplectanum sp.) were identified from both seabasses and groupers. The species and distribution of the parasites from the three study areas were more or less similar. Although the prevalence rate of the parasites were different from month to month and generally higher in the third and fourth month samplings, but Trichodina sp. always had the highest prevalence rate. Parasites were found from all parts of the body but gills were more heavily infected. It was also found that the three months old sea basses and groupers were more susceptible to infection than those of the six months old fish. The water quality parameters of all study areas were at safe levels and this may be attributed to the similar pattern of distribution of parasites on the fish. However the concentration of Pb at all study areas were high which might have influenced the distribution of certain parasites. Using the logistic regression analysis, it was found that this high Pb concentration was related to the prevalence rate of Trichodina sp. on sea basses and groupers in all study areas.





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