Sains Malaysiana 31: 65-72 (2002)                                                                        Sains Fizis dan Gunaan/

Physical and Applied Sciences


Pengesanan Fenol dalam Persekitaran Akueus

Menggunakan Reagen 4-Aminoantipairin

(Phenol detection in aqueous environment using

4-aminoantipairin reagent)



Dalina Adan & Musa Ahmad

Pusat Pengajian Sains Kirnia Dan Teknologi Makanan

Fakulti Sains dan Teknologi

Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia

43600 UKM Bangi, Selangor D.E., Malaysia






Kertas kerja ini membincangkan hasil pencirian reagen 4-aminoantipairin (AAP) apabila bertindakbalas dengan fenol menggunakan kaedah spektrofotometri. AAP menunjukkan kestabilan foto yang agak baik pada 208 nm dengan sisihan piawai relatif serapannya, RSD = 1.5% (n=11, sela masa=1 jam untuk tempoh 10 jam). Panjang gelombang optimum untuk pengesanan kompleks AAP-fenol ialah 506 nm dan rangsangan optimum dicerap pada pH 8 - 11. Reagen juga menunjukkan kepekaan yang tinggi terhadap kepekatan fenol dengan rangsangan linear diperolehi pada julat kepekatan fenol 0.0 - 26.0 ppm. Had pengesanan untuk kaedah ini adalah 0.37 ppm. Rangsangan keadaan mantap dicapai dalam masa kira-kira 5 minit. Nilai RSD untuk kajian kebolehasilan reagen bagi pengesanan fenol pada kepekatan 3 ppm, 7 ppm dan 10 ppm adalah masing-masingnya 1.26%, 1.32% dan 1.27% (n=10). Selain itu tindak balas pembentukan kompleks didapati dipengaruhi oleh kepekatan reagen AAP dan kepekatan agen pengoksida K3Fe(CN)6.





This paper discussed the reaction of 4-aminoantipyrine (AAP) with phenol studied by the spectrophotometric method. Reagent AAP was found to have a good photo stability at 208 nm with relative standard deviation of the absorbance value, RSD = 1.5% (n=11, cycle = 1 hour for 10 hours duration). The optimum wavelength for phenol detection was at 506 nm and the optimum response was obtained in a buffer medium of pH 8-11. The reagent showed a high sensitivity towards phenol concentration with linear response obtained at phenol concentration range of 0.0 - 26.0 ppm. The limit of detection of the method was 0.37 ppm. The steady state response was achieved within 5 minute. The RSD of the reproducibility study for 4 ppm, 7 ppm and 10 ppm phenol detection were 1.26%, 1.32% and 1.27, respectively (n=10). The reaction between AAP and phenol was affected by both the concentrations of AAP and the oxidizing agent, K3Fe(CN)6.





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