Sains Malaysiana 32: 79-86 (2003)                                                                                Sains Fizis dan Gunaan /

Physical & Applied Science


Synthesis and Characterisation of some Diorganotin

Bis(N- methyl 0- nitrobenzohydroxamate)



Elhadi Elba Saad, Y. Farina, Ibrahim Baba & Abdul Hamid Othman

School of Chemical Sciences and Food Technology

Faculty of Science and Technology

Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia

43600 UKM Bangi, Selangor D.E., Malaysia






Diorganotin(IV) complexes of N-methyl o-nitrobenzohydroxamic acid were synthesised by refluxing diorganotin(IV) oxide and the free ligand using a Dean and Stark water separator. The N-methyl o-nitrobenzohydroxamic acid was derived from the corresponding o-nitrobenzoyl chloride and N­methylhydroxylamine in the presence of sodium hydrogen carbonate. The isolated complexes were characterized by elemental analysis and spectroscopic methods such as infrared, lH and 13C nuclear magnetic resonance. Results of analysis carried out on the diorganotin(IV) complexes of N-methyl o­nitrobenzohydroxamic acid showed a 1:2 stoichiometry with general formula R2Sn[O-NO2C6P4CONCH3O]2 (R= methyl, n-butyl and phenyl). The coordina­tion mode occurs by deprotonation of the hydroxy group and subsequent (0,0) coordination of the carbonyl oxygen. Attempted recrystallization of n­dibutyltin(IV) bis(N-methyl o-nitrobenzohydroxamate) from a mixture oftolu­ene and methanol yielded amorphous solids.





Kompleks diorganotin(IV) N-metit o-nitrobenzohidroksamat disintesiskan melalui teknik refluks di antara diorganostanum(IV) oksida dan ligan bebas menggunakan alat radas Dean dan Stark. Asid N-metil 0­nitrobenzohidroksamik diterbitkan daripada o-nitrobenzohidklorida dan N-­metithidroksitamina dengan kehadiran natrium hidrogen karbonat. Kompleks telah dicirikan melalui analisis unsur dan kaedah spektroskopi seperti inframerah dan resonans magnet nukleus RMN (IH & 13C). Keputusan analisis menunjukkan kompleks diorganostanum(IV) terbitan asid N-metit 0­nitrobenzohidroksamik adalah dalam kadar 1:2 denganformula umum R2Sn[O­N02C6H4CONCH3O2 (R=metil, n-butil dan fenil). Pengkoordinatan didapati berlaku melalui penyahproton kumpulan hidroksi. Dua atom oksigen terlibat dalam pengkoordinatan melalui oksigen hidroksi dan karbonil. Penghabluran semula kompleks n-dibutilstanum(IV) bis(N-metil o-nitrobenzohidrosamat) dalam campuran pelarut toluena-metanol menghasitkan pepejal amorfus.





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