Sains Malaysiana 34(2): 43-47 (2005)


Concentration and Composition Of PM10 in Outdoor and Indoor

Air in Industrial Area of Balakong Selangor, Malaysia

(Kepekatan dan Komposisi PMIO dalam Udara Dalaman dan Luaran

bagi Kawasan Perindustrian Balakong, Selangor, Malaysia)



Norela Sulaiman, Maimon Abdullah & Phyllis Lo Poh Chieu

Pusat Pengajian Sains Sekitaran dan Sumber Alam

Fakulti Sains dan Teknologi

Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia

43600 UKM Bangi

Selangor, D.E. Malaysia






Air quality study was carried out to determine the concentration and composition of PM10 in the indoor and outdoor air quality of the mixed residential and industrial areas of Balakong in Selangor. Measurements of PM10 concentrations were carried out for 48 hours at eight sampling stations by using the Mini Volume Sampler, with the flow rate of 0.005L per minute. The composition of PM10 such as anions (sulphates, nitrates and chlorides), cations (potassium, calcium, sodium, magnesium, ammonium) as well as the heavy metals (lead, zinc, iron, nickel, cadmium) were determined by standard methods. The concentration of anions was determined by using Spectrophotometer from HACH while the concentrations of cations and heavy metals were determined by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Optical Emission Spectrophotometry (ICP­OES). The PM10 concentration of indoor air was found to be higher than those of the outdoors in the study area (p<0.05). Concentrations of outdoor air PM10 were found to be influenced by wind speed (R2 = 0.5324) and humidity (R2 = 0.5299), while the indoor air of different buildings were found to be influenced by frequency of cooking activities (R2 = 0.5698). The PM10 composition of the air for both the indoors and outdoors showed the same order of the concentrations of anions, viz; NO3- > SO42- > C1- . Likewise, for cations and heavy metals the orders of relative concentration were: Na+> Ca2+> K+> Mg2+ and Zn> Fe> Mn>Cr, respectively.


Keywords: indoor air pollution, outdoor air pollution, Balakong Industrial area, PM10





Kajian kualiti udara bagi menentukan kepekatan dan komposisi PM10 di antara udara luaran dengan udara dalaman telah dijalankan di kawasan petempatan dan kawasan perindustrian di Balakong, Selangor. Pengukuran kepekatan PM10 dilakukan selama 48 jam, dengan menggunakan alat Pensampel Udara Isipadu Rendah, dengan kadar aliran udara 0.005L per minit di Lapan stesen persampelan. Komposisi PM, seperti anion (sulfat, nitrat dan klorid), kation (potassium, kalsium, sodium, magnesium, ammonium) dan logam berat (plumbum, zink, besi, nikel, kadmium) ditentukan dengan menggunakan kaedah piawai. Kepekatan anion ditentukan dengan menggunakan Spektrofotometer HACH, manakala kepekatan kation dan logam berat ditentukan dengan Inductively Coupled Plasma-Optical Emission Spectrophotometry (ICP-OES). Kepekatan PM10 di udara dalaman didapati lebih tinggi berbanding nilainya di udara luaran pada semua stesen kajian (p<0.05). Kepekatan PM10 di udara luaran dipengaruhi oleh kelajuan angin (R2 = 0.5324) dan kelembapan relatifudara (R2 = 0.5299), manakala perbezaan nilai PM10 dalam struktur bangunan yang berbeza adalah dipengaruhi oleh kekerapan aktiviti memasak (R2 = 0.5698). Urutan kepekatan komposisi anion PM10 bagi udara luaran dan udara dalaman adalah serupa iaitu NO3-> SO42-> Cl-, manakala bagi kation dan logam berat pula urutan kepekatan relatif adalah Na+> Ca2+> K+> Mg2+ dan Zn> Fe> Mn>Cr.


Kata kunci: pencemaran udara dalaman, pencemaran udara luaran, kawasan perindustrian Balakong, PM10





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