Sains Malaysiana 41(11)(2012):
Pemencilan Yis daripada Buah-buahan Tempatan dan Rebung (Bambusa vulgaris)
dan Potensinya sebagai Agen Penaik Roti Putih
(Potential of Yeasts Isolated from Local(Fruits
and Bamboo Shoots (Bambusa vulgaris)
as Leavening Agent in White Bread)
A.G. Ma’aruf*, F.Y. Chung
& Z. Noroul Asyikeen
Science Program, School of Chemical Sciences and Food Technology
Faculty of Science and Technology, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 Bangi,
Selangor D.E. Malaysia
09 September 2011 / Accepted: 27 June
Kajian ini dijalankan untuk
menentukan keupayaan yis (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) dipencil daripada
buah-buahan tempatan iaitu duku langsat (Lansium domesticum), rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum ), mangga Chokanan (Mangifera
indica cv. Chokanan) dan rebung
buluh minyak (Bambusa vulgaris) sebagai agen penaik roti berbanding roti
kawalan penambahan yis komersial. Isi padu tertentu roti
kawalan menunjukkan perbezaan bererti (p<0.05)
dengan semua roti kajian. Roti yang difermentasi oleh yis rebung buluh
menunjukkan isi padu tertentu yang paling tinggi, diikuti oleh roti yang
difermentasi oleh yis mangga dan yis duku langsat dan ketiga-tiga yis tersebut
juga mempunyai isi padu tertentu yang lebih tinggi secara bererti (p<0.05)
dengan roti kawalan. Roti yang difermentasi oleh yis rebung buluh dan yis
mangga mempunyai tekstur yang lebih lembut berbanding roti kawalan. Peningkatan dalam isi padu tertentu roti boleh meningkatkan
kelembutan tekstur roti. Peratus kandungan kelembapan kulit dan isi roti
yang difermentasi oleh yis rebung buluh adalah paling tinggi manakala roti yang
difermentasi oleh yis rambutan menunjukkan peratus kandungan kelembapan yang
paling rendah. Peningkatan peratus kandungan kelembapan juga
boleh meningkatkan kelembutan tesktur roti dan sebaliknya. Daripada segi
warna kulit, hanya kecerahan warna kulit (L*) roti yang difermentasi oleh yis
rebung buluh tidak menunjukkan perbezaan bererti (p>0.05) dengan
warna kulit roti kawalan. Kecerahan warna isi (L*) roti
kawalan pula menunjukkan perbezaan bererti (p<0.05)
dengan semua isi roti kajian. Selain itu, didapati semakin kecil dan
padat liang udara, semakin putih warna isi roti.
Keseragaman taburan liang udara juga menghasilkan isi
roti yang lebih putih. Secara keseluruhan, kesemua yis yang
dipencil berpotensi untuk dijadikan sebagai agen penaik. Yis rebung
buluh dan yis mangga dapat menghasilkan kualiti roti putih yang lebih baik
daripada yis komersial.
Kata kunci: Duku langsat; mangga;
rambutan; rebung; roti; yis
The study was carried out to determine the leavening ability of
the yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) isolated from local fruits which were duku langsat(Lansium domesticum), rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum), mango chokanan (Mangifera indica cv. Chokanan) and
bamboo shoot (Bambusa vulgaris) in breads,
compared with commercial yeast. Specific volume of control bread showed
significant difference (p<0.05) with all the bread tested. Bread that
was fermented by bamboo shoot’s yeast showed the highest specific volume,
followed by bread that was fermented by mango’s yeast and duku langsat’s yeast, and that all three yeasts have
specific volume that were significantly higher (p<0.05) than the
control bread. Breads that were fermented by bamboo shoot’s yeast and mango’s
yeast have texture that was softer compared to the control bread. Increase in
the specific volume can improve the bread texture softness. Moisture content of
crust and crumb that were fermented by bamboo shoot’s yeast were the highest
while bread that was fermented by rambutan’s yeast
has the lowest moisture content. Increase in percentage of moisture content
could also enhance the bread softness. For crust color, only brightness (L*) of
crust bread that was fermented by bamboo shoot’s yeast did not showed
significant difference (p>0.05) with crust color of control bread.
Meanwhile, brightness (L*) of crumb of control bread showed significant difference
(p<0.05) with all of the studied bread crumb.
Apart from that, it was also found that the smaller and more compact the pore
size, the whiter the bread crumb color will be. Uniform distribution of pore
also produced whither bread crumb. Overall, all isolated yeasts can be
potentially used as leavening agents. Bamboo shoot’s yeast and mango’s yeast
can produce better bread qualities compared with commercial yeast.
Keywords: Bamboo shoot; duku langsat; mango; rambutan;
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