Sains Malaysiana 45(3)(2016): 339–346
Comparative Effects of Different Soil Conditioners
on Wheat Growth and Yield Grown in Saline-sodic Soils
(Kesan Bandingan Penyubur Tanah Berbeza
ke atas Tumbesaran Gandum dan Pengeluaran dalam Tanah Salin-sodik)
1Institute of Soil
and Environmental Sciences, University of Agriculture Faisalabad,
38040, Pakistan
2Department of Environmental
Sciences and Engineering, Government College University
Faisalabad 38000,
Received: 03 June
2015/Accepted: 25 August 2015
Among abiotic stresses, salinity
is the main abiotic stress limiting crop growth and yield worldwide.
Improving agri-food production in salt-prone areas is the key to
meet the increasing food demands in near future. A greenhouse experiment
was conducted to investigate the effect of different soil conditioners,
gypsum (GYP),
citric acid (CA), ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid (EDTA)
and polyvinyl alcohol (PVA), on growth and yield of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) grown in saline-sodic soil.
Gypsum was applied at a rate of 100% soil gypsum requirement while
other amendments were applied each at a rate of 5 g kg-1 of
soil. The results showed that EDTA treatment increased pH and
electrical conductivity (ECe) of soil while pH significantly decreased
when treated with citric acid. Soil sodium adsorption ratio (SAR)
and exchangeable sodium percentage (ESP) decreased in all treatments
following the order: CT > PVA >
> CA > GYP.
Addition of CA positively affected growth parameters as compared to
other soil conditioners including plant height, number of tillers
per plant, number of spikes per plant, plant dry weight and grain
yield while EDTA
negatively affected these parameters. Addition of
CA also
significantly increased photosynthetic rate, stomatal conductance,
transpiration rate and chlorophyll contents while EDTA decreased
these parameters. We conclude that increase in plant growth and
yield with CA
might be due to the effect of CA on soil properties which positively
affected plant physiological parameters.
Keywords: Biomass; photosynthesis;
salinity; soil amendments; wheat
Antara tekanan abiotik, kemasinan
ialah tekanan abiotik utama yang menghadkan pertumbuhan tanaman
dan hasil di seluruh dunia. Meningkatkan pengeluaran makanan pertanian
di kawasan terdedah garam adalah kunci untuk memenuhi permintaan
makanan yang semakin meningkat pada masa hadapan. Percubaan rumah
hijau telah dijalankan untuk mengkaji kesan berbeza penyubur tanah,
Gipsum (GYP),
asid sitrik (CA), asid tetraasetik diamina etilena (EDTA)
dan alkohol polivinil (PVA) ke atas pertumbuhan dan hasil gandum
(Triticum aestivum L.) yang ditanam
di tanah salin sodic. Gipsum diaplikasikan pada kadar 100% di tanah
keperluan Gipsum manakala pindaan lain digunakan masing-masing pada
kadar 5 g kg-1
tanah. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahawa rawatan EDTA meningkatkan pH dan pengaliran
elektrik (ECe) tanah manakala pH ketara berkurangan apabila dirawat
dengan asid sitrik. Nisbah penjerapan tanah sodium (SAR)
dan peratus sodium boleh tukar (ESP) menurun pada semua rawatan
diikuti aturan berikut: CT > PVA >
> CA > GYP.
Penambahan CA mempengaruhi parameter pertumbuhan secara positif jika
dibandingkan dengan penyubur tanah lain termasuk ketinggian tumbuhan,
bilangan tiler setiap pokok, bilangan pancang setiap pokok, berat
kering tanaman dan hasil bijirin manakala EDTA mempengaruhi parameter pertumbuhan
ini secara negatif. Penambahan CA turut
meningkatkan kadar fotosintetik, penggunaan stomatal, kadar transpirasi
dan kandungan klorofil manakala EDTA menurunkan parameter ini.
Kami menyimpulkan bahawa peningkatan dalam pertumbuhan tumbuhan
dan hasil dengan CA mungkin disebabkan oleh kesan CA terhadap
sifat tanah yang mempengaruhi parameter fisiologi pertumbuhan secara
Kata kunci: Biojisim; fotosintesis; gandum; kemasinan; pindaan tanah
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