Sains Malaysiana 47(11)(2018): 2609–2616


Heavy Metals Content and Pollution in Tin Tailings from Singkep Island, Riau, Indonesia

(Pencemaran dan Kandungan Logam Berat di Lombong Timah dari Pulau Singkep, Riau, Indonesia)




1Faculty of Geological Engineering, Universitas Padjadjaran, Jl. Raya Bandung-Sumedang Km. 21, Jatinangor, Sumedang, Indonesia


2Center for Geological Survey, Jl. Diponegoro 57, Bandung, Indonesia


Received: 25 January 2018/Accepted: 11 July 2018



Instead of its economic impact, tin mining activities cause environmental problems. The tin occurrence which is related to tin-bearing alteration on S-type Muncung Granite and its mining history in Singkep Island describes in this study. This work assessed the heavy metals concentration in six tin tailings and two soils from Singkep using inductively coupled plasma - mass spectrometry in correlation to environmental hazard. Both primary and placer mining methods applied in tin excavations on the studied area. Concentration tendency of heavy metals in the six studied tailings samples is generally Cr>Pb>As>Ba≈V. The identical heavy metals trend represented by the three samples from Bukit Tumang might reflect a similar primary tailings character. On the other hand, anthropogenic activities and different surrounding rocks caused the dissimilarity of heavy metals pattern on placer wastes. Higher environmental problems are detected on the primary wastes than the placer one, especially arsenic and chrome. Severe arsenic pollution degree is also indicated in the soil sample just outside the mining location at Betong Village. Conservation and amelioration programs are useful in improving the environmental condition on studied locations.


Keywords: Heavy metals; pollution index; S-type granite; tin tailings



Aktiviti perlombongan bijih timah lebih menyumbang kepada masalah alam sekitar berbanding memberi kesan kepada ekonomi. Berlakunya timah yang berkaitan dengan bijih timah-galas pindaan ke atas S-jenis Muncung granit dan sejarahnya perlombongan di Pulau Singkep diterangkan dalam kajian ini. Kajian ini menilai kepekatan logam berat dalam enam lombong bijih timah dan dua tanah dari Singkep menggunakan plasma induktif berganding - spektrometri jisim yang berkolerasi kepada membahayakan alam sekitar. Kaedah perlombongan utama dan plaser digunakan dalam penggalian bijih timah di kawasan yang dikaji. Kecenderungan kepekatan logam berat dalam enam sampel lombong yang dikaji secara umumnya adalah Cr>Pb>As>Ba≈V. Trend logam berat yang diwakili oleh tiga sampel dari Bukit Tumang mungkin mencerminkan watak utama lombong yang sama. Selain itu, aktiviti antropogenik dan batu sekeliling yang berbeza telah menyebabkan ketidakserupaan pola logam berat pada sisa plaser. Masalah persekitaran yang tinggi terutamanya pencemaran arsenik dan kromium dikesan di dalam sisa utama daripada plaser satu. Tahap pencemaran arsenik yang tinggi juga dikesan di dalam sampel tanah di luar lokasi perlombongan di Kampung Betong. Program pemuliharaan dan ameliorasi penting dalam memperbaiki keadaan alam sekitar di lokasi yang telah dikaji.


Kata kunci: Granit jenis-s; indeks pencemaran; logam berat; lombong timah


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