Sains Malaysiana 47(11)(2018): 2647–2655
The Effects of Temperature on Callus Induction
and Regeneration in Selected Malaysian Rice Cultivar Indica
(Kesan Suhu ke atas Induksi Kalus dan Pertumbuhan
Semula dalam Kultivar Indica Padi Malaysia Terpilih)
Department of Biotechnology
and Medical Engineering, Faculty of Biosciences and Medical Engineering,
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 81310 UTM, Johor Bahru, Johor Darul
Takzim, Malaysia
Received: 3 January
2018 /Accepted: 8 July 2018
The development of an efficient
tissue culture protocol for somatic embryo would facilitate the
genetic modification in breeding program. The present study describes
the reproducible protocols for three wetland Malaysian rice cultivars
(MR232, MR220 and MR220-CL2) and upland rice (Bario) via somatic
embryogenesis. In the present study, four pre-heat treatments
(35, 40, 45 and 50°C) were applied to mature seeds with different
imbibition periods (3, 5 and 7 days) prior to culture on MS media
with 3 mg/L 2,4-D. The results showed that the cultivars exhibited
the highest callus induction percentage from 45°C pre-heated seeds
and 3 days imbibition (100%, 96%, 100% and 95% for MR232, MR220,
MR220-CL2 and Bario, respectively). Callus was induced early ranging
from 3 to 12 days compared to without pre-heat treatment. The
regeneration efficiency for MR220 and MR220-CL2 cultivars was
significantly higher compared to the control treatment. However,
both 45°C and 25°C (control) treatments produced higher plantlet
regeneration for MR232 and Bario. This study observed that pre-heat
treated seeds prior to callus induction did promote callusing
and hence regeneration. These findings can be used to establish
a suitable protocol for the in vitro regeneration system for several genetic improvements
in the numerous stress tolerances of Malaysian rice.
Keywords: Bario; callus; MR220-Cl2;
pre-heat treatment; regeneration; rice
Pembangunan protokol kultur
tisu untuk penghasilan embrio somatik dapat membantu dalam pengubahsuaian
genetik bagi rancangan pembiakbakaan. Kajian ini melaporkan protokol
boleh ulang bagi tiga kultivar padi bendang Malaysia (MR232, MR220
dan MR220-CL2) dan padi bukit (Bario) melalui embriogenesis somatik.
Dalam kajian ini, biji benih matang didedahkan kepada empat rawatan
pra-pemanasan (35, 40, 45 dan 50°C) dengan masa pedapan yang berbeza
(3, 5 dan 7 hari) sebelum dikultur pada medium MS yang mengandungi
3 mg/L 2,4-D. Keputusan kajian ini menunjukkan semua kultivar
menghasilkan peratusan induksi kalus tertinggi daripada rawatan
pra-pemanasan benih pada suhu 45°C dan 3 hari pedapan (100%, 96%,
100% dan 95% untuk MR232, MR220, MR220-CL2 dan Bario). Kalus diinduksi
lebih awal pada kadar 3 ke 12 hari dibandingkan dengan tanpa rawatan
pra-pemanasan. Keberkesanan penjanaan semula adalah lebih tinggi
untuk kultivar MR220 dan MR220-CL2 dibandingkan dengan kawalan
manakala kedua-dua rawatan pra-pemanasan 45°C dan kawalan mempunyai
penjanaan semula anak pokok yang tinggi untuk MR232 dan Bario.
Kajian ini menunjukkan bahawa rawatan pra-pemanasan ke atas biji
benih sebelum penginduksian kalus menggalakkan pertumbuhan kalus
dan juga penjanaan semula. Penemuan ini boleh digunakan untuk
menghasilkan protokol yang sesuai untuk sistem penjanaan semula
in vitro sebagai penambahbaikan kepada pelbagai jenis daya tahan
padi Malaysia.
Kata kunci: Bario; kalus; MR220-CL2; padi; penjanaan semula; rawatan
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