Sains Malaysiana 47(7)(2018): 1501–1510


Penyahbauan Fukoidan dan Kesannya terhadap Ciri Fizikokimia dan Aktiviti Antipengoksidaan

(Deodorisation of Fucoidan and Its Effect towards Physicochemical Characteristics and Antioxidation Activities)





Pusat Bioteknologi dan Makanan Berfungsi, Fakulti Sains dan Teknologi, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 UKM Bangi, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia


Received: 3 March 2017/Accepted: 25 February 2018




Fukoidan adalah sejenis polisakarida bioaktif yang terdiri daripada fukosa, sulfat dan asid uronik. Fukoidan mempunyai bau hanyir menyebabkan aplikasi dalam produk makanan menjadi sukar. Oleh itu, objektif kajian ini adalah untuk menyahbau hanyir fukoidan yang diekstrak daripada Sargassum sp. (Fsar) dan mengkaji kesan penyahbauan terhadap ciri-ciri fizikokimia dan aktiviti antipengoksidannya. Fsar dinyahbau dengan menggunakan butiran karbon teraktif (Fkar), kaedah pengewapan haba (Fwap) dan gabungan kedua-dua kaedah tersebut (Fkw). Keberkesanan penyahbauan dikenal pasti melalui penilaian sensori (ujian deskriptif kuantitatif) bagi menilai persepsi bau fukoidan yang telah dinyahbau. Ciri fizikokimia iaitu ketulenan, warna dan nilai pH, manakala aktiviti antipengoksidaan ditentukan melalui ujian pemerangkapan radikal bebas (DPPH), aktiviti pemerangkapan superoksida anion (SOA) dan pemerangkapan radikal hidroksil (•OH). Kaedah penyahbauan Fkar menunjukkan nilai keamatan bau hanyir yang paling rendah dan tahap penerimaan keseluruhan yang paling tinggi. Ketulenan Fkar tidak berbeza secara bererti (p>0.05) berbanding Fsar, manakala ketulenan Fwap dan Fkw menurun secara signifikan berbanding Fsar. Keempat-empat sampel fukoidan (Fsar, Fkar, Fwap, Fkw) menunjukkan warna dan nilai pH berbeza secara signifikan (p<0.05). Sebaliknya, tiada kesan yang signifikan (p>0.05) terhadap kesan antipengoksidaan oleh kempat-empat sampel fukoidan selepas penyahbauan (Fsar, Fkar, Fwap, Fkw). Pada keseluruhannya, kaedah penyahbauan menggunakan karbon teraktif (Fkar) didapati berpotensi kerana keberkesanan dan tidak menyebabkan perubahan signifikan pada ketulenan dan aktiviti antipengoksidaan fukoidan.


Kata kunci: Antipengoksidaan; fizikokimia; fukoidan; penyahbauan



Fucoidan is a bioactive polysaccharide made up mainly of fucose, sulphate and uronic acid. However, fucoidan possess a strong fishy odour, which hinders its application in food products. Therefore, the objective of this study was to deodorise fucoidan extracted from Sargassum sp. (Fsar) and to determine the effect of deodorisation on its physicochemical characteristics and antioxidative activities. Fsar was deodorised using activated carbon granules (Fkar), heat vaporisation (Fwap) and the combination of both methods (Fkw). The effectiveness of deodorisation was determined through sensory evaluation (quantitative descriptive analysis) to evaluate the odour perception of the deodorised fucoidan. The physicochemical characteristics of fucoidan that were determined were purity, colour and pH value, while the antioxidative activities were determined using free radical scavenging assay (DPPH), superoxide anion (SOA) and hydroxyl radical (•OH) scavenging activities. Through deodorisation of fucoidan, Fkar showed the lowest fishy odour intensity and the highest overall acceptability. Besides that, it was found that Fkar's purity was not significantly different (p>0.05) compared to that of Fsar, while Fwap and Fkw showed significantly lower purity compared to that of Fsar. On the other hand, colour and pH value showed significant differences (p<0.05) among the four fucoidan samples (Fsar, (Fkar, Fwap, Fkw). This study also indicated that deodorisation of fucoidan did not significantly affect the antioxidation activities of all four fucoidan samples (Fsar, Fkar, Fwap, Fkw). As a conclusion, it was found that deodorisation of fucoidan using activated carbon method (Fkar) is a potential method due to its effectiveness in deodorisation and at the same time, exhibited no significant changes towards its purity and antioxidant activities.


Keywords: Antioxidation; deodorisation; fucoidan; physicochemical



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