Sains Malaysiana 32: 25-35 (2003)                                                                                                                Sains Bumi /

Earth Science


Penggunaan Aluminium sebagai Unsur Penormal terhadap Logam

dalam Lembangan Sungai Chukai - Kemaman, Terengganu

(Use of aluminium as normalizing element for metal in the

Chukai – Kemaman, River Basin, Terengganu)



Kamaruzzaman Yunus, Jamil Talam

Hasrizal Shaari & Hazamri Harith

Institute of Oceanography

Kolej Universiti Sains dan Teknologi Malayisa

21030 Kuala Terengganu

Terengganu, Malaysia






Aras kepekatan Co, Mn dan Cu di Sungai Chukai dan Fe, Ni, Cr, Ti, Zn dan Cu di Sungai Kemaman pada sedimen permukaan tidak menunjukkan kesan kemasukan logam antropogenik. Kepekatan logam pada permukaan sedimen yang dinormalisasikan terhadap Al, berada dalam lingkungan aras asas 95% had keyakinan. Hubungan Al-logam boleh digunakan sebagai pengukur tahap pencemaran logam bagi sesuatu kawasan dan boleh digunapakai sebagai satu pembatasan terhadap sebarang kemasukan sumber antropogenik bagi setiap sampel yang dinilai.





Concentration levels of Co, Mn and Cu in Chukai river and Fe, Ni, Cr, Ti, Zn and Cu in Kemaman river in surface sediment showed no evidence of recent anthropogenic input of metals. Metals concentrations in surface sediments, as normalized to Al, fell within the 95% confidence limits of the background level. Al-metal relationship can be used as a measure of the natural variability of the metals concentration for the region and will serve as a baseline against which future anthropogenic affects may be assessed.





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