Sains Malaysiana 37(3):  223-225 (2008)


Enhanced Critical Current Density in MgB2 with

Dy2O3 Particle Additions

(Peningkatan Ketumpatan Arus Genting dalam MgB2

dengan Penambahan Zarah Dy2O3)



Soo Kien Chen, Abdul Halim Shaari, Kean Pah Lim & Mohd Faisal Mohd Aris

Physics Department, Faculty of Science, Universiti Putra Malaysia,

43400 Serdang, Selangor, Darul Ehsan, Malaysia


Received: 12 Jun 2007 /Accepted: 19 November 2007





This paper reports on the effect  of oxide particle Dy2O3 additions on the superconducting properties of MgB2. The polycrystalline samples were prepared by well mixing magnesium and boron elemental powders, followed by heat treatment for in situ reaction in inert gas environment. All the samples showed MgB2 as the main phase with MgO and DyB4 as impurities. Magnetization measurements showed that the superconducting transition temperature, Tc remained largely unchanged (37.5 – 38K) even for Dy2O3 additions up to 15.0 wt.%. However, the transition curve was broadened in samples with larger amount of additions. The best sample with only 0.5 wt.% Dy2O3 additions had a Jc of around a factor of 4 higher compared to the pure sample at 6K(1T). Tem imaging showed the distribution of nano precipitates of DyB4 and MgO within the grain which may improve the pinning leading to enhancement in critical current density, Jc.


Keywords: MgB2; critical current density; nano precipitates





Kertas ini melaporkan  kesan penambahan serbuk oksida Dy2O3  terhadap ciri-ciri kesuperkonduksian MgB2. Sampel polikristal telah disediakan dengan mencampur serbuk magnesium and boron diikuti dengan rawatan pemanasan bagi menghasilkan tindakbalas in situ dalam persekitaran gas lengai. Semua sampel menunjukkan MgB2 sebagai fasa dominan dengan kehadiran MgO dan DyB4 sebagai fasa-fasa ketaktulenan. Pengukuran kemagnetan menunjukkan suhu genting, Tc tidak mengalami perubahan besar (37.5 – 38K) walaupun dengan penambahan Dy2O3 sehingga 15.0 wt.%. Walau bagaimanapun, lengkung peralihan suhu genting bertambah luas untuk sampel dengan panambahan serbuk oksida yang tinggi. Sampel yang terbaik dengan hanya penambahan 0.5 wt.% Dy2O3 mempunyai Jc pada 6K(1T) sebanyak empat kali ganda lebih tinggi berbanding dengan sampel tulen. Imej tem menunjukkan taburan mendakan DyB4 dan MgO yang bersaiz nano dalam butiran yang memperbaiki kesan pengepinan dan seterusnya meningkatkan ketumpatan arus genting, Jc.


Kata kunci: MgB2; ketumpatan arus genting; mendakan nano






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