Sains Malaysiana 44(4)(2015):
Understanding Pore Formation and Structural Deformation in
Carbon Spheres During KOH Activation
(Memahami Pembentukan Liang dan Penyahbentukan Struktur Sfera
Karbon Semasa Pengaktifan KOH)
of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
UTM Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia
Sina Institute for Fundamental Science Studies, Nanotechnology Research
Teknologi Malaysia, 81310 UTM Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia
18 Ogos 2014/Diterima: 30 Oktober 2014
Carbon spheres (CSs) were synthesized from sucrose by
hydrothermal reaction. The synthesized materials were further activated with
potassium hydroxide (KOH) at different concentrations. The effects
of KOH concentration on the surface area and morphology were
investigated. The route for pore formation and structural deformation in carbon
spheres during activation has been proposed and discussed based on micrographs
and porosity trends. It was suggested that the pore formation and structural
deformation phenomena were due to the intercalating power of energized K+ into
the carbon. This work provides an insight of the pore formation in carbon spheres
for the development of adsorbents as well as for the understanding of the
structural deformation of such materials at higher KOH concentrations.
Keywords: Carbon spheres; hydrothermal reaction; KOH activation;
morphology; surface area
Sfera karbon (CSs) telah disintesis daripada sukrosa dengan
tindak balas hidroterma. Bahan yang telah disintesis telah diaktifkan dengan
kalium hidroksida (KOH) pada kepekatan berbeza. Kesan kepekatan KOH terhadap
luas permukaan dan morfologi telah dikaji. Laluan bagi pembentukan liang dan
penyahbentukan struktur sfera karbon semasa pengaktifan telah dicadang dan
dibincangkan berdasarkan mikrograf dan tren keliangan. Dicadangkan iaitu
fenomena pembentukan liang dan penyahbentukan struktur tersebut adalah disebabkan
oleh kuasa tujahan K+ yang bertenaga ke dalam karbon. Kerja ini memberikan
penerangan tentang pembentukan liang di dalam sfera karbon bagi pembangunan
bahan penjerap dan juga pemahaman tentang penyahbentukan struktur bahan
berkenaan pada kepekatan KOH yang tinggi.
Kata kunci: Luas permukaan; morfologi;
pengaktifan KOH; sfera karbon; tindak balas hidroterma
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