Sains Malaysiana 45(2)(2016): 215–220
Tualang Honey Consumption
Enhanced Hippocampal Pyramidal Count
and Spatial Memory
Performance of Adult Male Rats
(Pengambilan Madu Tualang
Meningkatkan Bilangan Sel Piramid Hipokampus
dan Prestasi Ingatan Reruang
Tikus Jantan Dewasa)
Mohd Amiruddin Kamarulzaidi1, M.Y.
Zulkifli Mohd. Yusoff2, Abdul Majid Mohamed3 &
Durriyyah Sharifah Hasan Adli*4
1Institute of Graduate Studies, University
of Malaya, 50603 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
2Al-Qur'an and Hadith Department, Academy
of Islamic Studies, University of Malaya, 50603 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
3Division of Biology, Center for
Foundation Studies in Science, University of Malaya, 50603 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
4Division of Biohealth Science,
Institute of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Science, University of Malaya, 50603
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
9 Oktober 2014/Diterima: 19 Ogos 2015
As a natural anti-oxidant source, Tualang honey, produced by wild bees nesting on the Tualang tree (Koompassia excelsa) is expected to have positive
influence on health, including memory. This study investigated the
effect of Tualang honey on the cell count of memory formation
related hippocampal pyramidal neuron and on spatial memory performance
of rats using the radial arm maze (RAM). Sprague Dawley male
rats (n=24), 7-8 weeks old were divided into two groups;
experimental group group force-fed 1 mL/100 g body weight with 70%
honey (HG);
and the control group with 0.9% saline (CG) for 12 weeks. Nissl staining
technique (with cresyl violet) was employed for neurohistological
analysis of the hippocampal tissue. Six randomly selected rats from
each group were used for the neuronal soma counting of pyramidal
cell layer CA1, CA3a and CA3c regions. Two-way ANOVA analysis showed positively significant
differences between treatment and control groups for SMP
comparison of working memory and reference memory
components, as well as the number of pyramidal neurons. Hence, this
positive effects of Tualang honey, as demonstrated behaviorally
and neurohistologically, supported report that Tualang honey could
improve memory and deter hippocampal morphological impairments;
possibly due to its high anti-oxidant properties.
Radial arm maze; reference memory; Tualang honey;
working memory
SSebagai sumber antioksida semula jadi, madu Tualang
yang dihasilkan oleh lebah liar yang bersarang di pokok Tualang
(Koompassia excelsa) dijangka mempunyai pengaruh
yang positif ke atas kesihatan, termasuk ingatan. Penyelidikan ini
mengkaji kesan madu Tualang ke atas bilangan neuron piramid hipokampus
yang berkait dengan pembentukan ingatan dan prestasi ingatan reruang
tikus menggunakan lorongan keliru lengan radial (RAM). Tikus Sprague
Dawley jantan (n=24), 7-8 minggu telah dibahagikan kepada
dua kumpulan; kumpulan eksperimen disuap-paksa 1 mL/100 g berat
badan dengan 70% madu (HG) dan kumpulan kawalan dengan 0.9%
salin (CG) untuk 12 minggu. Teknik pewarnaan Nissl (dengan ungu
kresil) telah digunakan untuk analisis neurohistologi tisu hipokampus.
Enam tikus dipilih secara rawak daripada setiap kumpulan dan telah
digunakan untuk pengiraan lapisan sel soma neuron piramid daripada
kawasan CA1, CA3a dan CA3c. Analisis ANOVA dua hala menunjukkan perbezaan positif yang signifikan
antara kumpulan HG dan CG untuk
perbandingan SMP antara komponen ingatan kerja dan ingatan rujukan, serta
bilangan neuron piramid. Oleh itu, kesan positif Tualang madu, seperti
yang ditunjukkan daripada aspek tingkah laku dan neurohistologi,
menyokong laporan bahawa madu Tualang boleh meningkatkan ingatan
dan menghalang gangguan terhadap morfologi hipokampus; berkemungkinan
kerana sifat antioksidanya yang tinggi
Kata kunci: Ingatan kerja; ingatan rujukan; lorongan keliru lengan radial;
madu Tualang
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