Sains Malaysiana 45(5)(2016): 699–707


Determination of Alpha Particles Concentration in Some Soil Samples and the Extent of Their Impact on Health

(Penentuan Kepekatan Partikel Alfa dalam Beberapa Sampel Tanah dan Kesannya Terhadap Kesihatan)




Faculty of Science and Technology, Hebron University, Po. Box 40, Hebron- Palestine


Diserahkan: 23 Oktober 2014/Diterima: 1 Disember 2015



The radon concentration, the exhalation rates and the radiation exposure from samples of soil collected from different sites at Hebron province in Palestine were measured using the sealed-can technique based on the CR-39 detectors. The total average values of radon concentrations for 0, 20, 40 and 60 cm depths were 294, 357, 433 and 512 Bqm−3, respectively. As expected, our data showed an increase of radon concentration levels with depth. The average values of surface exhalation rates, the effective dose equivalent (Ep), the annual effective dose (HE), the dissolved in soft tissues (Dsoft, tissue) and the dose rate due to alpha-radiation in lung (Dlung) were calculated. The values were found to be within the safe limits as recommended by ICRP and WHO. The results showed that these areas are safe from the health hazard site of view as far as the radon is concerned.


Keywords: Alpha particles; exhalation rates; Palestine; radon



Kepekatan radon, kadar penghembusan dan pendedahan radiasi daripada sampel tanah yang diambil dari tapak yang berbeza di wilayah Hebron di Palestin telah diukur menggunakan teknik takungan adang dengan pengesan CR-39. Jumlah nilai purata kepekatan radon bagi kedalaman 0, 20, 40 dan 60 cm masing-masing adalah 294, 357, 433 dan 512 Bqm−3. Seperti yang dijangka, data kami menunjukkan tahap kepekatan radon meningkat mengikut kedalaman. Nilai purata kadar hembusan nafas permukaan, dos efektif setara (Ep), dos efektif tahunan (HE), pelarutan dalam tisu lembut (Dlembut, tisu) dan kadar dos yang disebabkan oleh radiasi-alfa dalam paru-paru (Dparu-paru) telah dikira. Nilai didapati dalam had selamat seperti yang disyorkan oleh ICRP dan WHO. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahawa kawasan ini selamat daripada bahaya kesihatan oleh radiasi radon.


Kata kunci: Kadar penghembusan; Palestin; radon; zarah alfa




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