Sains Malaysiana 46(2)(2017): 223–229

Physicochemical Characteristics of Non-Starch Polysaccharides Extracted from

Cassava Tubers

(Ciri Fizikokimia Polisakarida tak Berkanji yang Diekstrak daripada Ubi Kayu)




1Food Technology Division, School of Industrial Technology, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 11800 Penang, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia


2Food Technology Centre, MARDI Headquarters, Serdang, G.P.O. Box 12301,

 50774 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia


Diserahkan: 23 Mei 2014/Diterima: 10 Mei 2016



This research mainly focused on isolation of non-starch polysaccharide (NSP) from different parts of cassava tuber by using water extraction and to evaluate the effect of NSP addition into flour on nutritional composition, swelling and solubility, pasting properties and dough characteristics by farinograph and extensograph. Three origins of (NSP) extracted were used: cassava peels, coarse and fine portions from cassava flesh. The isolation of NSP was done by using water extraction method and designated as water-extractable (WEP) and water un-extractable non starch polysaccharides (WUP). The percentage yield of WEP (0.24 - 1.64%) from water extraction was significantly lower as compared to WUP (2.58 - 4.33%). Upon the incorporation of 5% NSP, the cassava flour showed lower moisture content compared to the sample without the addition of NSP, while fats and crude fiber content of cassava flours were found to be increased upon the incorporation of 5% NSP from all origins. Swelling power and solubility of cassava flour were being reduced upon the incorporation of 5% of NSP from cassava peel and coarse portion of cassava flesh. The changes in dough characteristics showed that water absorption of the samples upon the addition of 5% NSP into wheat flour was found to be higher compared to control wheat flour. In contrast, dough stability and extensibility, tolerance index, resistance to extension, as well as the work input necessary for dough deformation from wheat flour with addition of 5% NSP resulted lower than control wheat flour. Overall, NSP extracted from cassava peels and coarse portion of cassava flesh performed similar characteristics and functional properties upon the incorporation into the flour.


Keywords: Cassava; non starch polysaccharides; water extraction



Kajian ini tertumpu kepada pengekstrakan polisakarida tak berkanji (NSP) daripada ubi kayu dan menilai kesannya ke atas komposisi makanan, kuasa pembengkakan dan keterlarutan, ciri kelikatan dan perubahan ciri doh melaluifarinografdanekstensograf’. Tiga jenis NSP yang diekstrak telah digunakan: kulit ubi kayu, bahagian kasar dan halus daripada isi ubi kayu. Pengasingan NSP telah dilakukan dengan menggunakan kaedah pengekstrakan air dan ditetapkan sebagai pengekstrakan air (WEP) dan pengekstrakan air polisakarida tak berkanji (WUP). Peratusan bagi hasil WEP (0.24-1.64%) adalah lebih rendah berbanding dengan WUP (2.58 - 4.33%). Kandungan air didapati lebih rendah apabila tepung ubi kayu ditambahkan dengan 5% NSP berbanding dengan sampel yang tidak ditambahkan NSP, manakala kandungan lemak dan serabut kasar didapati meningkat apabila ditambah dengan 5% NSP daripada semua bahagian. Kuasa pembengkakan dan keterlarutan tepung ubi kayu menunjukkan penurunan dengan penambahan 5% NSP daripada kulit ubi kayu dan bahagian kasar isi ubi kayu. Perubahan ke atas ciri doh didapati menunjukkan peningkatan kuasa penyerapan air apabila NSP ditambah ke dalam tepung gandum berbanding tepung gandum kawalan. Namun, kestabilan doh, indeks toleransi, rintangan lanjutan serta perkara yang diperlukan untuk mengubah bentuk doh daripada tepung gandum yang ditambah dengan NSP telah memberi keputusan berkurangan berbanding tepung gandum kawalan. Secara keseluruhan, NSP yang diekstrak daripada kulit ubi kayu serta bahagian kasar daripada isi ubi kayu menunjukkan sifat yang hampir sama apabila ditambahkan ke dalam tepung.


Kata kunci: Pengekstrakan air; polisakarida tak berkanji; ubi kayu


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