Sains Malaysiana 46(6)(2017): 897–902
In Vitro Somatic Embryos Multiplication
of Eurycoma longifolia
Jack using Temporary Immersion System RITA®
(Multiplikasi In
Vitro Embrio Somatik
daripada Eurycoma
longifoliaJack Menggunakan
Sistem Rendaman Sementara RITA®)
School of Agriculture Science and Biotechnology, Faculty of Bioresources and Food Industry, Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin, Tembila Campus, 22200 Besut, Terengganu Darul Iman, Malaysia
Diserahkan: 6 Mac 2016/Diterima: 9 November 2016
Temporary immersion
system, Recipient for Automated Temporary Immersion® (RITA®),
is one of the innovative systems that allow the production of large
number of somatic embryos or plantlets via in vitro plant propagation.
It has been widely used to avoid associated problems such as low
multiplication rate of somatic embryos and hyperhydricity
during plant propagation. Thus, an attempt was made to investigate
optimal parameters such as immersion time and immersion frequency,
for the multiplication of direct somatic embryogenesis from cotyledon
culture of Eurycoma longifolia Jack
using RITA®.
Four periods of immersion time (1, 5, 10 and 15 min every 4 h) were
evaluated for the efficiency in somatic embryos multiplication.
In order to optimize repetitive somatic embryogenesis, three different
immersion frequencies (5 min immersion every 2, 4 and 8 h) were
applied. The highest number of secondary embryos (69.67 ±
9.73) was found significant when immersing the globular, primary
embryos for 5 min every 4 h as compared to other immersion time
tested. The secondary somatic embryos obtained in this study could
be further used for the development of plantlet regeneration of
E. longifolia.
Keywords: Eurycoma longifolia Jack; secondary embryogenesis; temporary immersion system RITA®
Sistem rendaman sementara,
'Recipient for Automated Temporary Immersion®'
merupakan salah
satu sistem inovatif
yang merangsang pengeluaran
embrio somatik
atau anak pokok
dalam kuantiti
yang banyak bagi pembiakbakaan
in vitro pokok. Sistem ini telah banyak
digunakan bagi
mengelakkan masalah seperti multiplikasi embrio somatik yang rendah dan hiperhidrisiti
bagi pembiakbakaan secara in vitro.
Jadi, satu
kajian telah dijalankan
bagi mengkaji
parameter yang optimum seperti tempoh
masa dan frekuensi
rendaman bagi multiplikasi
embrio somatik
daripada kultur
kotiledon Eurycoma
longifolia Jack dengan
menggunakan RITA®.
tempoh masa rendaman (1, 5,
10 dan 15 min setiap 4 jam) telah dinilai keberkesanannya
bagi multiplikasi
embrio somatik. Untuk mengoptimumkan penghasilan embrio somatik sekunder, tiga frekuensi rendaman (5 min setiap 2, 4 dan 8 jam) telah digunakan. Jumlah embrio sekunder
somatik tertinggi
(69.67 ± 9.73) telah diperoleh
untuk tempoh rendaman
selama 5 min bagi
setiap 4 jam jika dibandingkan dengan tempoh masa rendaman yang lain.
Embrio somatik sekunder yang diperoleh melalui kajian ini boleh
digunakan pada
masa hadapan bagi pertumbuhan
semula anak
pokok E. longifolia.
Kata kunci: Embrio somatik sekunder; Eurycoma longifolia Jack; sistem rendaman sementara RITA®
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