Sains Malaysiana 46(8)(2017): 1259–1267


California Bearing Ratio Tests of Enzyme-treated Sedimentary Residual Soil Show No Improvement

(Ujian Nisbah Bearing California ke atas Sedimen Sisa Tanih Terawat Enzim Menunjukkan Tiada Sebarang Penambahbaikan)




1Department of Civil and Structural Engineering, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 UKM Bangi, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia


2Institute for Environment and Development (LESTARI), Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 UKM Bangi, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia


Diserahkan: 18 Oktober 2015/Diterima: 7 Februari 2017



Environmental concerns have significantly influenced the construction industry regarding the identification and use of environmentally sustainable construction materials. In this context, enzymes (organic materials) have been introduced recently for ground improvement projects such as pavements and embankments. The present experimental study was carried out in order to evaluate the compressive strength of a sedimentary residual soil treated with three different types of enzymes, as assessed through a California bearing ratio (CBR) test. Controlled untreated and treated soil samples containing four dosages (the recommended dose and two, five and 10 times the recommended dose) were prepared, sealed and cured for four months. Following the curing period, samples were soaked in water for four days before the CBR tests were administered. These tests showed no improvement in the soil is compressive strength; in other words, samples prepared even at higher dosages did not exhibit any improvement. Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy tests were carried out on three enzymes in order to study the functional groups present in them. Furthermore, X-ray diffraction (XRD) and field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM) tests were executed for untreated and treated soil samples to determine if any chemical reaction took place between the soil and the enzymes. Neither of the tests (XRD nor FESEM) revealed any change. In fact, the XRD patterns and FESEM images for untreated and treated soil samples were indistinguishable.


Keywords: California bearing ratio test; enzymes; improvement; soil



Kebimbangan terhadap alam sekitar secara signifikan mempengaruhi industri pembinaan mengenai pengenalan dan penggunaan bahan-bahan pembinaan alam sekitar yang mampan. Dalam konteks ini, enzim (bahan organik) telah diperkenalkan bagi penambahbaikan projek permukaan tanah seperti hamparan dan benteng. Penyelidikan ini telah dijalankan untuk menilai kekuatan mampatan sisa sedimen tanah yang dirawat dengan tiga jenis enzim, yang diperoleh melalui ujian nisbah bearing California (CBR). Sampel kawalan tanah yang tidak dirawat dan dirawat dan empat dos (dos yang disyorkan serta dua, lima dan 10 kali dos yang disyorkan) telah disediakan, ditutup dan diolah selama empat bulan. Berikutan tempoh pengolahan, sampel telah direndam dalam air selama empat hari sebelum ujian CBR dijalankan. Ujian ini menunjukkan tidak ada peningkatan dalam kekuatan mampatan tanah; dalam erti kata lain, sampel yang disediakan walaupun pada dos yang lebih tinggi juga tidak menunjukkan apa-apa peningkatan. Ujian spektroskopi resonans nukleus magnet (NMR) telah dijalankan ke atas ketiga-tiga enzim dalam usaha untuk mengkaji kumpulan fungsian yang wujud di dalamnya. Selain itu, ujian pembelauan sinar-x (XRD) dan mikroskopi pancaran medan imbasan elektron (FESEM) telah dijalankan bagi sampel tanah tidak dirawat dan dirawat untuk menentukan jika terdapat tindak balas kimia yang berlaku antara tanah dan enzim tersebut. Kedua-dua ujian (XRD atau FESEM) tidak menunjukkan apa-apa perubahan. Malah, pola XRD dan imej FESEM untuk sampel tanah tidak dirawat dan dirawat tidak dapat dibezakan.


Kata kunci: Enzim; penambahbaikan; tanah; ujian nisbah bearing California


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