Sains Malaysiana 46(9)(2017): 1413–1420


Evaluation of the Allelopathic Potential of Fifteen Common Malaysian Weeds

(Penilaian Potensi Alelopati ke atas Lima Belas Rumpai Biasa di Malaysia)




1School of Environmental and Natural Resource Sciences, Faculty of Science and Technology

Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 UKM Bangi, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia


2School of Agricultural Sciences and Biotechnology, Faculty of Bioresources and Food Industry

Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin, Kampus Besut, 22200 Besut, Terengganu Darul Iman, Malaysia


Diserahkan: 31 Ogos 2016/Diterima: 1 April 2017




The use of allelopathy concept in weed management has received attentions to minimize extensively the reliance on herbicide applications on the agriculture industry in Malaysia. A laboratory study was conducted to evaluate the allelopathic potential of 15 Malaysian common weed species of different morphological characteristics (broadleaves, sedges and grasses). They were screened using the Sandwich method (from leaf litter leachate) and the Dish pack method (for testing the presence and content of volatile compounds in weeds). Among the 15 weed species tested, the leaf litter leachate of Centrosema pubescens was observed to be the most sensitive plant material inhibiting the growth of lettuce radicle (84%) and hypocotyl (55%) in the Sandwich bioassay compared to the control. This was followed by Asystasia gangentica (81%) and Cynodon dactylon (80%) inhibiting the lettuce radicle growth. In the Dish pack bioassay, Rhynchelytrum repens demonstrated maximum inhibition on the radicle and hypocotyl elongations by 44% and 29%, respectively, (over control) at 41 mm distance from the source well. Meanwhile, at the same distance, Cynodon dactylon was observed to have the least inhibitory effect on lettuce radicle growth by 12%. The results presented can be utilized as benchmark information for further research on the identification and isolation of allelochemicals for weed control strategies.


Keywords: Allelochemical; allelopathy; dish pack method; sandwich method



Penggunaan konsep alelopati dalam pengurusan rumpai telah mendapat perhatian untuk meminimumkan kebergantungan secara meluas terhadap penggunaan racun rumpai ke atas ladang pertanian di Malaysia. Kajian makmal telah dijalankan untuk mengenal pasti potensi alelopati terhadap 15 spesies rumpai biasa di Malaysia yang berbeza secara fizikal luarannya (daun lebar, rusiga dan rumput) dan ia disaring menggunakan kaedah Sandwich (daripada sarap daun) dan kaedah Dish pack (untuk menguji kehadiran dan kandungan bahan meruap dalam rumpai). Daripada 15 spesies rumpai yang diuji, sarap daun Centrosema pubescens diperhati sebagai bahan tumbuhan yang paling sensitif dalam merencatkan pertumbuhan akar selada (84%) dan pucuk selada (55%) dalam bioasai Sandwich berbanding kawalan, diikuti dengan Asystasia gangentica (81%) dan Cynodon dactylon (80%) yang merencatkan akar selada. Dalam bioasai Dish pack, Rhynchelytrum repens menunjukkan perencatan maksimum ke atas pemanjangan akar dan pucuk masing-masing sebanyak 44% dan 29% (berbanding kawalan) pada jarak 41 mm dari lubang punca tumbuhan penderma. Walau bagaimanapun, pada jarak yang sama, Cynodon. dactylon diperhatikan mengalami kesan perencatan paling sedikit terhadap pertumbuhan akar sebanyak 12%. Keputusan yang dibentangkan dapat digunakan sebagai maklumat penanda aras untuk kajian selanjutnya ke atas pengenalpastian dan pengasingan alelokimia terhadap strategi pengawalan rumpai.


Kata kunci: Alelokimia; alelopati; kaedah dish pack; kaedah sandwich





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