Sains Malaysiana 47(12)(2018): 3031–3041


Comparative Analysis of Metabolites and Antioxidant Potentials from Different Plant Parts of Curcuma aeruginosa Roxb.

(Analisis Bandingan Kandungan Metabolit dan Potensi Antioksidan daripada Bahagian Berbeza Curcuma aeruginosa Roxb.)




Biotechnology and Nanotechnology Research Centre, Malaysian Agricultural Research and Development Institute (MARDI), Persiaran MARDI-UPM, 43400 Serdang, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia


Diserahkan: 30 Mei 2018 /Diterima: 13 September 2018



A comparative analysis of metabolites from different parts of Curcuma aeruginosa, i.e. leaves, stems, adventitious roots and rhizomes was performed by GC-MS/MS coupled with multivariate statistical analysis. The GC-MS/MS analysis confirmed the occurrence of 26 metabolites belonged to terpenoids in almost all the samples. The Principal Component Analysis (PCA) indicated that there was a clear distinction between rhizomes and other plant parts, i.e. stems, leaves, and adventitious roots that could be explained by relatively higher contents of terpenoids including curzerene, alpha-farnesen, furanocoumarin, velleral, germacrone cineole, borneol, beta- and gamma- elemene and methenolone. The results of Hierarchical Clustering Analyses (HCA) corresponded with the PCA results where many terpenoids found abundantly high in rhizome were clustered together. This was supported by the Pearson correlation analysis that showed a significantly good relationship between those terpenoids. The adventitious roots demonstrated the strongest antioxidant activity as compared to the other plant parts which could be attributed to its highest Total Phenolic Contents (TPC). Total phenolic contents of all the plant parts were positively correlated with their antioxidant activities which indicate that phenolic compounds may play a role in the overall antioxidant activities of the plants. The results of the study highlighted the potential of this underexploited Curcuma species which could serve as a new source of important phytochemicals and natural antioxidant that could be incorporated in functional foods and nutraceuticals. In addition, chemical and biological evidence shown in the present work has rationalised the different uses of various plant parts of C. aeruginosa.


Keywords: Antioxidant; Curcuma aeruginosa; GC-MS/MS; metabolomics



Suatu analisis perbandingan metabolit daripada bahagian berlainan Curcuma aeruginosa, iaitu daun, batang, akar adventisius dan rizom dijalankan dengan menggunakan GC-MS/MS berserta dengan analisis statistik multivariasi. Analisis GC-MS/MS mengesahkan kehadiran 26 metabolit dalam hampir kesemua sampel dengan kebanyakan metabolit tergolong dalam kumpulan terpenoid. Analisis Komponen Utama (PCA) menunjukkan terdapat perbezaan ketara metabolit antara rizom dan bahagian tumbuhan lain seperti batang, daun dan akar adventisius yang dapat dijelaskan dengan kandungan yang tinggi terpenoidnya, termasuk curzerene, alfa-farnesen, furanocoumarin, velleral, germacrone cineole, borneol, beta- dan gama-elemene dan methenolone. Keputusan analisis pengklusteran hierarki (HCA) adalah selari dengan keputusan PCA dengan sebahagian besar terpenoid yang didapati di dalam rizom dikluster bersama. Ini disokong oleh analisis korelasi Pearson yang menunjukkan perkaitan yang signifikan antara terpenoid berkenaan. Akar adventisius menunjukkan aktiviti antioksidan tertinggi berbanding dengan bahagian tumbuhan yang lain yang disebabkan oleh kandungan keseluruhan fenoliknya yang paling tinggi. Jumlah kandungan keseluruhan fenolik (TPC) daripada semua bahagian tumbuhan berkolerasi secara positif dengan aktiviti antioksidan (DPPH, FRAP) yang menunjukkan bahawa sebatian fenolik mungkin memainkan peranan penting dalam menyumbang kepada aktiviti antioksidan tumbuhan. Keputusan kajian menekankan potensi spesies Curcuma yang kurang dieksploitasi ini untuk menjadi satu sumber baru fitokimia dan antioksidan semula jadi yang penting yang boleh digunakan dalam makanan fungsian dan nutraseutik. Tambahan lagi, bukti kimia dan biologi yang diperoleh dalam kajian ini memberikan rasional kepada penggunaan berbeza pelbagai bahagian tumbuhan C. aeruginosa.


Kata kunci: Antioksida; Curcuma aeruginosa; GC-MS/MS; metabolomik


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