Sains Malaysiana 47(4)(2018): 839-851


Physico-Mechanical, Chemical Composition, Thermal Degradation and Crystallinity of Oil Palm Empty Fruit Bunch, Kenaf and Polypropylene Fibres: A Comparatives Study

(Fiziko-Mekanikal, Komposisi Kimia, Degradasi Haba dan Habluran Serabut Tandan Kosong Kelapa Sawit, Kenaf dan Polipropilena: Kajian Perbandingan)




1Bioresources and Biorefinery Laboratory, Faculty of Science and Technology, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 UKM Bangi, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia


2Wang Chunhong School of Textile, Tianjin Polytechnic University 300384, Xiqing, China


Diserahkan: 13 Mei 2017/Diterima: 1 November 2017




The physico-mechanical and chemical properties of enzyme retting kenaf and shredded empty fruit bunch of oil palm fibres (EFB) were analyzed by chemical extraction, microscopic, spectroscopic, thermal and X-ray diffraction method. Polypropylene (PP), a petroleum based fibre, was also included to compare the properties of synthetic fibre with natural fibres. Chemical extraction analysis showed that cellulose was the major component in both kenaf and EFB fibres which are 54% and 41.34%, respectively. Silica content of EFB was 5.29% higher than kenaf that was 2.21%. The result of thermogravimetric analysis showed that kenaf has higher thermal decomposition rate compared to EFB fibre. However, the residue for EFB fibre was higher than kenaf due to higher content in inorganic materials. The residual content of PP fibre was only 1.13% which was lower than the natural fibre. The diameter of EFB fibre bundle was 341.7 µm that was three times higher than kenaf. Microscopy study demonstrated that EFB surface was rough, porous and embedded with silica while kenaf showed smooth surface with small pith. Higher porosity in EFB was due to the lower fibre density that was 1.5 kg/cm3 compared to kenaf that was 1.62 kg/cm3. Kenaf has illustrated significant higher tensile strength (426.4 MPa) than EFB (150 MPa) and this result is in parallel to the pattern of the crystalline value for both fibres, 65% and 50.58%, respectively.


Keyword: EFB statistic; kenaf statistic; polypropylene; tensile strength; thermal analysis





Sifat fiziko-mekanikal dan kimia kenaf yang diretan melalui enzim dan serabut tandan kosong buah kelapa sawit (EFB) yang dipecahkan telah dianalisis melalui kaedah pengekstrakan kimia, mikroskopik, spektroskopik, haba dan pembelauan sinar-X. Kajian ini juga termasuk serabut berasaskan petroleum, polipropilena (PP) untuk membandingkan sifat serabut asli dan tiruan. Analisis pengekstrakan kimia membuktikan selulosa merupakan komponen utama dalam kedua-dua serabut kenaf dan EFB iaitu masing-masing 54% dan 41.34%. Kandungan silika EFB adalah 5.29% lebih tinggi daripada kenaf itu 2.21%. Keputusan themogravimetrik menunjukkan kenaf mempunyai kadar degradasi haba yang lebih tinggi berbanding dengan EFB. Walau bagaimanapun, sisa EFB adalah lebih tinggi daripada kenaf kerana kandungan bahan-bahan bukan organik yang lebih tinggi. Kandungan sisa serat PP hanya 1.13% iaitu lebih rendah daripada serabut semula jadi. Diameter berkas serabut EFB adalah 341.7 µm iaitu tiga kali lebih tinggi daripada serabut kenaf. Kajian mikroskopoik menunjukkan bahawa permukaan EFB adalah kasar, poros dan terkandung dengan silika manakala kenaf menunjukkan permukaan yang licin dengan saiz empulur yang kecil. Keliangan yang lebih tinggi dalam EFB adalah berkaitan dengan ketumpatan serat yang lebih rendah iaitu 1.5 kg/cm3 berbanding kenaf iaitu 1.62 kg/cm3. Kenaf menunjukkan kekuatan tegangan yang lebih tinggi yang ketara (426.4 MPa) daripada EFB (150 MPa) yang selari dengan corak nilai kristal untuk kedua-dua serat, masing-masing 65% dan 50.58%.


Kata kunci: Analisis termal; kekuatan tegangan; polipropilena; statistik EFB; statistik kenaf




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