Sains Malaysiana 47(9)(2018): 2119–2128


The Effect of Food Safety Education on Handwashing Practices in School Canteens’ Food Handlers

(Kesan daripada Aktiviti Pendidikan Keselamatan Makanan ke atas Amalan Membasuh Tangan oleh Pengendali Makanan Kantin Sekolah)




1Department of Community Medicine, School of Medical Sciences, Health Campus, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Kubang Kerian, Kelantan Darul Naim, Malaysia


2Khazanah Research Institute, Level 25, Mercu UEM, Jalan Stesen Sentral 5, Kuala Lumpur Sentral, 50470 Kuala Lumpur, Federal Territory, Malaysia


3School of Health Sciences, Health Campus, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 16150 Kubang Kerian, Kelantan Darul Naim, Malaysia


4Food Safety and Quality Division, Kelantan State Health Department, 16100 Kota Bharu, Kelantan Darul Naim, Malaysia


5Department of Family Medicine, School of Medical Sciences, Health Campus, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 16150 Kubang Kerian, Kelantan Darul Naim, Malaysia


Diserahkan: 4 Disember 2017 /Diterima: 14 Mei 2018



This study aims to assess the effectiveness of a newly developed food safety education to improve the handwashing practices of food handlers in school canteens. A community-based intervention study was carried out over a 2-year period. Sixteen out of 98 primary schools were randomly selected and assigned into intervention and control groups using a simple random sampling method. The study population included food handlers who worked in the canteens of the school selected. The Food Safety Education Programme (FSEP) for the intervention group was developed based on the theory of planned behaviour. The main outcome measures used were handwashing practices from the observations carried out at baseline, 6-weeks (Post1) and 12-weeks (Post2) after the intervention. Out of 79 food handlers who participated in this study, 33 (41.8%) were in the intervention group and 46 (58.2%) were in the control group. Prior to FSEP, handwashing was not commonly practiced following critical events and the majority did not perform correctly. The time-effect of the mixed design analysis of variance showed a significant increase (p=0.004) in the mean percentage of the total observed handwashing practices from 29% at the baseline to 50.8% at Post1 (p=0.004). However, the intervention-effect of mixed design ANOVA did not show any significant difference in the handwashing practices (p=0.210). The FSEP was effective in improving the handwashing practices of the food handlers in the selected primary school canteens.


Keywords: Food safety; handwashing; intervention; school canteen; theory of planned behavior






Kajian ini bertujuan untuk menilai keberkesanan pendidikan keselamatan makanan yang baru dibangunkan untuk meningkatkan amalan membasuh tangan oleh pengendali makanan di kantin sekolah. Kajian intervensi berasaskan komuniti ini telah dijalankan dalam tempoh 2 tahun. Enam belas daripada 98 sekolah dipilih secara rawak dan diperuntukkan kepada campur tangan dan kawalan kumpulan yang menggunakan kaedah persampelan rawak mudah. Populasi kajian termasuk pengendali makanan yang bekerja di kantin sekolah yang dipilih. Program Pendidikan Keselamatan Makanan (FSEP) bagi kumpulan intervensi telah dibangunkan berdasarkan teori tingkah laku terancang. Langkah hasil utama yang digunakan adalah amalan basuh tangan daripada pemerhatian yang dijalankan secara dasar, 6-minggu (Post1) dan 12 minggu (Post2) selepas campur tangan. Daripada 79 pengendali makanan yang mengambil bahagian dalam kajian ini, 33 (41.8%) berada dalam kumpulan intervensi dan 46 (58.2%) adalah dalam kumpulan kawalan. Sebelum FSEP, membasuh tangan bukanlah amalan biasa dan kebanyakannya tidak dilakukan dengan betul. Masa-kesan analisis varians reka bentuk campuran menunjukkan peningkatan ketara (p=0.004) pada min peratusan daripada jumlah keseluruhan amalan basuh tangan yang diperhatikan daripada 29% pada asas kepada 50.8% pada Post1 (p=0.004). Walau bagaimanapun, campur tangan-kesan reka bentuk campuran ANOVA tidak menunjukkan sebarang perbezaan yang signifikan dalam amalan membasuh tangan (p=0.210). FSEP ini adalah berkesan dalam meningkatkan amalan membasuh tangan pengendali makanan di kantin sekolah rendah terpilih.


Kata kunci: Campur tangan; kantin sekolah; keselamatan makanan; membasuh tangan; teori tingkah laku terancang


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