Sains Malaysiana 48(1)(2019): 111–119


Functions and Application of Glomalin-Related Soil Proteins: A Review

(Fungsi dan Penggunaan Protein Tanah Berkaitan Glomalin: Suatu Ulasan)




1College of Horticulture and Gardening, Yangtze University, Jingzhou, Hubei 434025, China


2Institute of Citrus Research, Zhejiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Taizhou 318026, China


3Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, University of Hradec Kralove, Hradec Kralove 50003, Czech Republic


Diserahkan: 12 Mei 2018/Diterima: 10 September 2018



Glomalin that is a kind of glycoprotein produced by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in the phylum Glomeromycota, has some characteristics of hydrophobins with insolubility and difficulty in its extraction. The protein is highly homologous with heat shock protein 60. In soils, glomalin is measured as glomalin-related soil protein (GRSP). GRSP is highly positively correlated with soil aggregate stability, because it is a new component of soil organic matter. The mycorrhiza-released glomalin has represented potential functioning in soil ecosystems, which include promoting the storage of soil organic carbon, improving the structure of soil aggregates, enhancing the resistance of plants, and reducing the metal toxicity of plants. In addition, some potted and field experiments have been performed to exogenously apply the GRSP in crop plants to confirm the GRSP roles. Hence, GRSP is one of the most significant multidisciplinary topics between fungal physiology and soil biochemistry. Despite much work performed on glomalin from 1996, there are still gaps of GRSP that needs to be solved, including purification, structural features and environmental responses.


Keywords: Carbon cycle; drought stress; extraction; mycorrhiza; soil aggregation



Glomalin merupakan sejenis glikoprotein yang dihasilkan oleh kulat mikoriza arbuskel pada filum Glomeromycota, mempunyai ciri-ciri hidrofobin dengan ketidaklarutan dan kesukaran dalam pengekstrakan. Protein adalah sangat homolog dengan protein kejutan haba 60. Dalam tanah, glomalin diukur sebagai protein tanah berkaitan glomalin (GRSP). GRSP adalah sangat positif berkolerasi dengan kestabilan agregat tanah, kerana ia adalah satu komponen baharu jirim tanah organik. Glomalin pelepasan mikoriza telah mewakili potensi berfungsi dalam ekosistem tanah, termasuk menggalakkan penyimpanan karbon organik tanah, memperbaiki struktur agregat tanah, meningkatkan ketahanan tumbuh-tumbuhan dan mengurangkan logam ketoksikan tumbuh-tumbuhan. Di samping itu, sesetengah uji kaji tanaman pasu dan lapangan telah dijalankan secara eksogen untuk menggunakan GRSP dalam tanaman tumbuhan untuk mengesahkan peranan GRSP. Oleh itu, GRSP adalah salah satu daripada topik pelbagai disiplin yang paling ketara antara kulat fisiologi dan biokimia tanah. Walaupun banyak kerja yang dilakukan pada glomalin dari tahun 1996, masih terdapat jurang GRSP yang perlu diselesaikan, termasuk penulenan, ciri struktur dan tindak balas alam sekitar.


Kata kunci: Kitaran karbon; mikoriza; pengagregatan tanah; pengekstrakan; tekanan kemarau


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