Sains Malaysiana 50(4)(2021): 1131-1142


Prediction of Epidemic Trends in COVID-19 with Mann-Kendall and Recurrent Forecasting-Singular Spectrum Analysis

(Ramalan Kecenderungan Wabak pada COVID-19 dengan Mann-Kendall dan Ramalan Berulang-Analisis Spektrum Tunggal)




1Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science and Mathematics, Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris, 35900 Tanjung Malim, Perak Darul Ridzuan, Malaysia


2Data Analytics, Sciences & Modelling (DASM), Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Faculty of Applied Sciences and Technology, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 86400 Batu Pahat, Johor Darul Takzim, Malaysia


3Faculty Business and Entrepreneurship, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan, Kampus Kota, Karung Berkunci 36 Pangkalan Chepa, 16100 Kota Bharu, Kelantan Darul Naim, Malaysia


4Faculty of Bioresources and Food Industry, Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin, Besut Campus, 22200 Besut, Terengganu Darul Iman, Malaysia


5Geography Section, School of Humanities, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 11800 Pulau Pinang, Malaysia


Diserahkan: 18 Jun 2020/Diterima: 8 September 2020



Novel coronavirus also known as COVID-19 was first discovered in Wuhan, China by end of 2019. Since then, the virus has claimed millions of lives worldwide. In 29th April 2020, there were more than 5,000 outbreak cases in Malaysia as reported by the Ministry of Health Malaysia (MOHE). This study aims to evaluate the trend analysis of the COVID-19 outbreak using Mann-Kendall test, and predict the future cases of COVID-19 in Malaysia using Recurrent Forecasting-Singular Spectrum Analysis (RF-SSA) model. The RF-SSA model was developed to measure and predict daily COVID-19 cases in Malaysia for the coming 10 days using previously-confirmed cases. A Singular Spectrum Analysis-based forecasting model that discriminates noise in a time series trend is introduced. The RF-SSA model assessment is based on the World Health Organization (WHO) official COVID-19 data to predict the daily confirmed cases after 29th April until 9th May, 2020. The preliminary results of Mann-Kendall test showed a declining trend pattern for new cases during Restricted Movement Order (RMO) 3 compared to RMO1, RMO2 and RMO4, with a dramatic increase in the COVID-19 outbreak during RMO1. Overall, the RF-SSA has over-forecasted the cases by 0.36%. This indicates RF-SSA’s competence to predict the impending number of COVID-19 cases. The proposed model predicted that Malaysia would hit single digit in daily confirmed cased of COVID-19 by early-June 2020. These findings have proven the capability of RF-SSA model in apprehending the trend and predict the cases of COVID-19 with high accuracy. Nevertheless, enhanced RF-SSA algorithm should to be developed for higher effectivity in capturing any extreme data changes.


Keywords: COVID-19; forecasting; Mann-Kendall test; recurrent forecasting (RF); singular spectrum analysis (SSA)



Koronavirus baru juga dikenali sebagai COVID-19 telah dilaporkan pertama kali di Wuhan, China pada akhir 2019. Sejak itu, virus tersebut telah meragut berjuta-juta nyawa di seluruh dunia. Pada 29 April 2020, terdapat lebih daripada 5,000 kes wabak di Malaysia seperti yang dilaporkan oleh Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia (KKM). Kajian ini bertujuan untuk menilai analisis tren wabak COVID-19 menggunakan ujian Mann-Kendall dan meramalkan kes COVID-19 yang akan datang di Malaysia menggunakan model Ramalan Berulang-Analisis Spektrum Tunggal (RF-SSA). Model RF-SSA dibangunkan untuk mengukur dan meramalkan kes COVID-19 harian di Malaysia selama 10 hari akan datang dengan menggunakan kes yang telah disahkan sebelumnya. Model ramalan berdasarkan Analisis Spektrum Tunggal yang membezakan kebisingan dalam aliran siri masa diperkenalkan. Penilaian model RF-SSA berdasarkan data rasmi COVID-19 oleh Organisasi Kesihatan Dunia (WHO) untuk meramalkan kes-kes yang diselesaikan setiap hari selepas 29 April hingga 9 Mei 2020. Hasil awal ujian Mann-Kendall menunjukkan penurunan corak tren untuk kes baru semasa Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan (RMO) 3 berbanding RMO1, RMO2 dan RMO4, dengan peningkatan mendadak wabak COVID-19 semasa RMO1. Secara keseluruhan, RF-SSA telah meramalkan kes sebanyak 0.36%. Ini menunjukkan kecekapan RF-SSA untuk meramalkan jumlah kes COVID-19 yang akan datang. Model yang dicadangkan juga meramalkan bahawa Malaysia akan mencapai angka satu digit dalam kes COVID-19 yang disahkan setiap hari pada awal Jun 2020. Penemuan ini telah membuktikan kemampuan model RF-SSA dalam menangkap tren dan meramalkan kes COVID-19 dengan ketepatan tinggi. Walaupun begitu, algoritma RF-SSA harus dipertingkatkan untuk keberkesanan yang lebih tinggi dalam menangkap perubahan data yang melampau.


Kata kunci: Analisis spektrum tunggal (SSA); COVID-19; ramalan; ramalan berulang (RF); ujian Mann-Kendall



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