Sains Malaysiana 51(11)(2022): 3607-3619


Cadmium Toxicity Alleviation through Exogenous Application of Gibberellic Acid (GA3) in Mustard (Brassica juncea (L.) Czern.) and Rapeseed (Brassica rapa L.)

(Pengurangan Ketoksikan Kadmium melalui Penggunaan Eksogen Asid Giberelik (GA3) dalam Mustard (Brassica juncea (L.) Czern.) dan Biji Ragam (Brassica rapa L.))




1Biodiversity Informatics, Genomics and Post Harvest Biology Laboratory, Department of Botany, University of Gujrat, Gujrat, 50700, Pakistan

2Department of Botany, University of Poonch Rawalakot, 12350, Azad Jammu & Kashmir, Pakistan

3Department of Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering, Hazara University, Mansehra, Pakistan


Diserahkan: 21 Oktober 2021/Diterima: 22 Jun 2022



An experiment was carried out by considering adverse impact of heavy metals on human health through consumption of crops. To alleviate the adverse effects of cadmium (Cd) toxicity through foliar application of gibberellic acid (GA3), two varieties of Brassica including Indian mustard (Brassica juncea (L.) Czern.) commonly known as ‘Raya’ and rapeseed (Brassica rapaL.) as ‘Toria’ were studied. The Completely Randomized Design (CRD) was used with eight treatments including control in four replicates. Treatments were as following, T0 (control), T1 (150 μM CdCl2), T2 (50 mg/L GA3), T3 (75 mg/L GA3), T4 (100 mg/L GA3), T5 (150 μM CdCl2 + 50 mg/L GA3), T6 (150 μM CdCl2 + 75 mg/L GA3), and T7 (150 μM CdCl2 + 100 mg/L GA3). Gibberellic acid (GA3), a plant growth regulator applied exogenously. The concentration of cadmium (150 µM CdCl2) resulted in Cd toxicity affected adversely the morphological and biochemical parameters. Foliar application of GA3 (50 mg, 75 mg and 100 mg) positively influenced the various growth parameters as root length (30 cm), shoot length (129.75 cm), number of leaves (14.5), pods per plant (88) and biochemical parameters like total chlorophyll (0.19 mg/g), protein content (0.70 mg/mL), carbohydrates (0.37 mg/mL) and CAT (0.56 units/mg). Outcome indicated that GA3 reduces the harmful effects of Cd stress in both varieties. It was concluded that all growth and yield parameters of variety ‘Raya’ were better as compared to variety ‘Toria’, hence Raya recommended for large scale cultivation with GA3 under Cd stress.


Keywords: Cadmium stress; gibberellic acid; mustard; toxicity


Satu uji kaji telah dijalankan dengan mempertimbangkan kesan buruk logam berat terhadap kesihatan manusia melalui penggunaan tanaman. Untuk mengurangkan kesan buruk ketoksikan kadmium (Cd) melalui penggunaan daun asid giberelik (GA3), dua jenis Brassica termasuk mustard India (Brassica juncea (L.) Czern.) yang biasanya dikenali sebagai 'Raya' dan biji sesawi (Brassica rapa L.) 'Toria' dikaji. Reka Bentuk Rawak Sepenuhnya (CRD) digunakan dengan lapan rawatan termasuk kawalan dalam empat replikasi. Rawatan adalah seperti berikut, T0 (kawalan), T1 (150 μM CdCl2), T2 (50 mg/L GA3), T3 (75 mg/L GA3), T4 (100 mg/L GA3), T5 (150 μM CdCl2 + 50 mg/L GA3), T6 (150 μM CdCl2 + 75 mg/L GA3) dan T7 (150 μM CdCl2 + 100 mg/L GA3). Asid giberelik (GA3), pengawal selia pertumbuhan tumbuhan digunakan secara eksogen. Kepekatan kadmium (150 µM CdCl2) mengakibatkan ketoksikan Cd memberi kesan buruk kepada parameter morfologi dan biokimia. Penggunaan daun GA3 (50 mg, 75 mg dan 100 mg) secara positif mempengaruhi pelbagai parameter pertumbuhan seperti panjang akar (30 cm), panjang pucuk (129.75 cm), bilangan daun (14.5), buah setiap tumbuhan (88) dan biokimia parameter seperti jumlah klorofil (0.19 mg/g), kandungan protein (0.70 mg/mL), karbohidrat (0.37 mg/mL) dan CAT (0.56 unit/mg). Keputusan menunjukkan bahawa GA3 mengurangkan kesan berbahaya tekanan Cd dalam kedua-dua varieti. Disimpulkan bahawa semua parameter pertumbuhan dan hasil varieti 'Raya' adalah lebih baik berbanding varieti 'Toria', justeru Raya disyorkan untuk penanaman berskala besar dengan GA3 di bawah tekanan Cd.


Kata kunci: Asid giberelik; ketoksikan; mustard; tekanan kadmium



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