Sains Malaysiana 51(11)(2022): 3677-3688


Effect of Sterilization on the Degree of Esterification, FTIR Analysis, and Antibacterial Activity of Durian-Rind Pectin

(Kesan Pensterilan terhadap Tahap Pengesteran, Analisis FTIR dan Aktiviti Antibakteria Pektin Kulit Durian)




1Graduate School Program of Food Science, IPB University, Bogor, Indonesia

2Department of Food Science and Technology, Faculty of Agricultural Engineering and Technology, IPB University, Bogor, Indonesia


Diserahkan: 8 Disember 2021/Diterima: 8 Julai 2022



Pectin is a common food ingredient used as a rheology modifier and recently recognized as an emerging bioactive compound. Degree of esterification (DE) and molecular weight (MW) are important determinants of its bioactivity. This study evaluated the effect of moist heat sterilization (121 °C, 15 min) on pectin from Indonesian durian rind as an alternative method to modify pectin. Sterilized pectin was compared in terms of DE, Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) analysis, gel-forming ability, and antibacterial activity to non-sterilized pectin and standard citrus-peel pectin. Durian-rind pectin was identified as a low-methoxyl pectin with DE of 26.50% and weak antibacterial activity. After sterilization, the DE and pH decreased.  It lost the ability to form a gel which indicated pectin was degraded to lower molecules. Loss of bands at 1760-1745 cm-1 indicated that pectin underwent ester hydrolysis and generated free carboxyl groups. On the other hand, the sterilized durian-rind pectin showed strong antibacterial activity towards Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli, with a reduction of 5 log cycles and 3 log cycles, respectively (with the initial bacterial level of 5 log cfu/mL).  These results indicated that depolymerization and deesterification of pectin by heat sterilization was able to improve the antibacterial activity of durian-rind pectin.


Keywords: Antibacterial activity; durian rind; FTIR analysis; pectin; sterilization



Pektin ialah bahan makanan biasa yang digunakan sebagai pengubah reologi dan baru-baru ini diiktiraf sebagai sebatian bioaktif yang baru. Tahap pengesteran (DE) dan berat molekul (MW) adalah penentu penting bioaktivitinya. Kajian ini menilai kesan pensterilan haba lembap (121 °C, 15 min) ke atas pektin daripada kulit durian Indonesia sebagai kaedah alternatif untuk mengubah suai pektin. Pektin tersteril dibandingkan daripada segi DE, analisis transformasi Fourier inframerah (FTIR), keupayaan membentuk gel dan aktiviti antibakteria kepada pektin tidak disterilkan dan pektin kulit sitrus piawai. Pektin kulit durian dikenal pasti sebagai pektin metoksil rendah dengan DE sebanyak 26.50% dan aktiviti antibakteria yang lemah. Selepas pensterilan, DE dan pH menurun. Ia kehilangan keupayaan untuk membentuk gel yang menunjukkan pektin telah terdegradasi kepada molekul yang lebih rendah. Kehilangan jalur pada 1760-1745 cm-1 menunjukkan bahawa pektin mengalami hidrolisis ester dan menghasilkan kumpulan karboksil bebas. Sebaliknya, pektin kulit durian yang disterilkan menunjukkan aktiviti antibakteria yang kuat terhadap Staphylococcus aureus dan Escherichia coli masing-masing dengan pengurangan 5 kitaran log dan 3 kitaran log (dengan tahap bakteria awal 5 log cfu/mL). Keputusan ini menunjukkan bahawa penyahpolimeran dan penyahsterilan pektin melalui pensterilan haba dapat meningkatkan aktiviti antibakteria pektin kulit durian.


Kata kunci: Aktiviti antibakteria; analisis FTIR; kulit durian; pektin; pensterilan



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