Sains Malaysiana 51(11)(2022): 3755-3764


Effectuation of Pleurotus pulmonarius on Hypercholesterolemic Wistar-Kyoto Rats: Analysis on Liver and Sera

(Kesan Pleurotus pulmonarius terhadap Tikus Wistar-Kyoto Hiperkolesterolemik: Analisis ke atas Hati dan Sera)




Mushroom Research Centre, Institute of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Science, Universiti Malaya, 50603 Kuala Lumpur, Federal Territory, Malaysia


Diserahkan: 30 September 2021/Diterima: 20 Jun 2022



Hypercholesterolemia is one of the potential risks of cardiovascular heart disease (CHD). An early diagnosis and treatment attenuate the risk of CHD. Besides statin prescription for hypercholesterolemia, functional food has an added value to ameliorate the risk. This study was conducted to analyse the significant effect of grey oyster mushroom (Pleurotus pulmonarius) on hypercholesterolemia. Thirty-six Wistar-Kyoto rats were assigned into six groups, consisted of normal (N), hypercholesterolemia (H), two groups for prevention (P1 and P2), and two groups for treatment (T1 and T2). For prevention purpose, P1 and P2 were concomitantly induced to be hypercholesterolemic and fed with either crude aqueous extract of P. pulmonarius (CA) or simvastatin for 45 days. Following 45 days of hypercholesterolemic-induction, T1 and T2 rats were then orally fed with either CA or simvastatin for another 30 days. On day 45, groups N, H, P1, and P2 were sacrificed, whereas groups T1 and T2 were sacrificed on day 75. Histopathology examination showed the conditions of liver tissues. Fat droplets were observed in hypercholesterolemic hepatic tissues and were also remained in the hepatic tissues of rats belonged to the treatment groups. The tissues’ viability was better in prevention groups suggesting the compound(s) present in CA might be able to protect them from further damage. Metabolomic analysis of the sera from P1 and T1 rats showed altered regulation of several metabolites such as pantothenic acid, N-carbamylglutamate, serotonin and ceramide against the control group.


Keywords: Hepatic cells; histopathology; hypercholesterolemia; metabolomic



Hiperkolesterolemia adalah salah satu potensi risiko penyakit jantung kardiovaskular (CVD). Diagnosis dan rawatan awal mengurangkan risiko CVD. Selain statin untuk merawat hiperkolesterolemia, makanan berfungsi mempunyai nilai tambah untuk mengurangkan risiko. Kajian ini dilakukan untuk menganalisis pengaruh signifikan cendawan tiram kelabu (Pleurotus pulmonarius) terhadap hiperkolesterolemia. Tiga puluh enam tikus Wistar-Kyoto dibahagikan kepada enam kumpulan, yang terdiri daripada normal (N), hiperkolesterolemia (H), dua kumpulan untuk pencegahan (P1 dan P2) dan dua kumpulan untuk rawatan (T1 dan T2). Untuk tujuan pencegahan, P1 dan P2 diaruh menjadi hiperkolesterolemia dan pada masa yang sama diberi ekstrak akues mentah P. pulmonarius (CA) atau simvastatin selama 45 hari. Manakala tikus T1 dan T2 pula diberi makan secara oral dengan CA atau simvastatin selama 30 hari lagi selepas 45 hari diaruh menjadi hiperkolesterolemia. Pada hari ke-45, kumpulan N, H, P1 dan P2 dikorbankan manakala kumpulan T1 dan T2 dikorbankan pada hari ke-75. Pemeriksaan histopatologi menunjukkan keadaan tisu hati. Titisan lemak diperhatikan pada tisu hepatik hiperkolesterolemik dan juga tetap berada di dalam tisu hati tikus tergolong dalam kelompok perawatan. Kelangsungan tisu lebih baik pada kumpulan pencegahan yang menunjukkan bahawa sebatian yang terdapat di CA mungkin dapat melindungi mereka daripada kerosakan selanjutnya. Analisis metabolik sera daripada tikus P1 dan T1 mendedahkan perubahan beberapa metabolit seperti asid pantotenat, N-karbamilglutamat, serotonin dan ceramida apabila dibandingkan dengan kumpulan kawalan.


Kata kunci: Hiperkolesterolemia; histopatologi; metabolomik; sel hepatik



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