Sains Malaysiana 51(12)(2022): 3879-3896


Morfologi Hakisan dan Sifat Serakan Lempung Kaolinit dan Montmorilonit di Kawasan Tropika

(Erosion Morphology and Dispersive Properties of Kaolinite and Montmorillonite Clays in the Tropical Region)




Jabatan Sains Bumi dan Alam Sekitar, Fakulti Sains dan Teknologi, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 UKM Bangi, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia


Diserahkan: 15 Mac 2022/Diterima: 10 September 2022



Tanah terserak merupakan tanah bermasalah lantaran sifat semula jadinya yang mudah bertindak balas apabila terdapat kehadiran air lalu meningkatkan potensi hakisan cerun. Kewujudan ion natrium pada mineral lempung tanah melemahkan ikatan elektrokimia tanah terserak menyebabkan zarah lempung menolak dan menjauhi satu sama lain. Faktor ini mendorong pengasingan zarah tanah lalu membentuk fitur hakisan seperti ril dan galur rencam di permukaan bercerun, hakisan paip di dalam sub-permukaan landai dan kewujudan keruping merekah yang menjadi permasalahan dalam pembinaan struktur bangunan serta kejadian bencana alam. Kewujudan mineral lempung berbeza kapasiti pengembangan-pengecutan di kawasan tanah terserak menghasilkan morfologi dan sifat serakan tanah yang berbeza. Oleh itu, objektif kajian ini dijalankan adalah untuk mencirikan sifat fizikal tanah terserak tropika berdasarkan limpahan mineral lempung kaolinit dan montmorilonit serta hubungannya terhadap pembentukan morfologi hakisan cerun dan keruping tanah melalui pemerhatian lapangan dan analisis makmal. Hasil kajian mendapati kadar serakan dipengaruhi oleh sifat fizikal tanah seperti taburan saiz butiran, had cecair (LL), indeks keplastikan (PI), kandungan mineralogi lempung, nisbah % pasir/% zarah halus serta nisbah PI/LL. Analisis makmal menunjukkan tanah terserak dengan kehadiran mineral kaolinit dilihat kurang sensitif terhadap serakan berbanding mineral montmorilonit. Pemerhatian di lapangan mendapati tanah lempung kaolinit berasosiasi dengan pembentukan fitur hakisan ril dan galur rencam di sisi cerun secara lateral dan separa lateral, manakala tanah lempung montmorilonit tidak membentuk fitur hakisan yang nyata namun cenderung membentuk lapisan keruping dengan sistem jaringan rekahan heksagonal pada cerun bersudut hampir tegak (≈80°). Pencirian ini penting bagi meramal kewujudan dan taburan tanah terserak tropika berdasarkan limpahan mineral lempung yang berupaya menjadi pencetus kepada mekanisme geo-bencana yang sinonim berlaku di Malaysia.


Kata kunci: Geo-bencana; kaolinit; montmorilonit; morfologi hakisan; sifat serakan



Dispersive soils are problematic soil due to its natural tendency to react quickly in the presence of water and increasing the risk of slope erosion. The presence of sodium ions on soil clay particles weakens the electrochemical bonds of the dispersed soil causing the clay particles to repel and migrate away from each other. This factor causes soil particles segregation and the formation of erosion features such as complex rills and gullies on a sloping surface, pipes in the soil's subsurface and the presence of cracks which cause problems in the construction of building structures and natural disasters. The presence of clay minerals with varying swelling-shrinkage capacities in the dispersed soil area results in a variety of soil morphology and properties. As a result, the objective of this study was to characterize the physical properties of tropical dispersive soil based on the abundance of kaolinite and montmorillonite clay minerals as well as their correlation to the formation of slope erosion morphology and soil crusting through field observations and laboratory analysis. The study discovered that physical soil properties such as particle size, liquid limit (LL), plasticity index (PI), clay mineralogy   content, % sand/% fine soils ratio and PI/LL ratio influence dispersion rate. Laboratory analysis shows that dispersed soil containing kaolinite minerals is less sensitive to dispersion than soil containing montmorillonite minerals. Field observations showed that kaolinite clay soils form complex rills and gullies erosion features on the lateral and semi-lateral slopes, whereas montmorillonite clay soils do not form significant erosion characteristics but do form crust layers with hexagonal cracking network systems on almost perpendicular angled slopes (≈80°). This characterization is crucial for predicting the presence and distribution of tropical dispersive soils based on the abundance of clay minerals that can trigger geo-hazards mechanisms which are synonymous in Malaysia.


Keywords: Dispersive properties; erosion morphology; geo-hazards; kaolinite; montmorillonite



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