Sains Malaysiana 51(2)(2022): 559-566


Kajian Penyimpanan Serbuk Kopi Segera dengan Pembungkus boleh Dimakan daripada Rumpai Laut Kappaphycus alvarezii

      (Instant Coffee Powder Storage Study with Edible Packaging from Kappaphycus alvareziiSeaweed)




1Food Science & Technology Research Centre, Malaysian Agricultural Research and Development Institute, P.O. Box 12301, General Post Office, 50774 Kuala Lumpur, Wilayah Persekutuan, Malaysia


2School of Chemical Sciences and Food Technology, Faculty Science & Technology, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 UKM Bangi, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia


Diserahkan: 5 Mac 2021/Diterima: 15 Julai 2021



Kajian kebolehgunaan filem boleh dimakan untuk membungkus dan memelihara kualiti penyimpanan serbuk kopi segera telah dijalankan. Serbuk kopi segera dipek dengan uncang yang diperbuat daripada filem boleh dimakan dan seterusnya dibungkus dengan dua jenis pembungkus sekunder untuk melindunginya daripada terdedah kepada wap air, oksigen dan dicemari kekotoran. Serbuk kopi segera dimasukkan ke dalam bekas sekunder yang berlainan iaitu beg aluminum dengan penutup berzip (BA) dan kanister kertas berlapiskan aluminum (KK). Kedua-dua sampel BA dan KK dibandingkan dengan sampel kawalan iaitu jenis bahan pembungkus asal (AS) oleh pengilang terdiri daripada uncang aluminum berlaminat dan pembungkus sekunder ialah beg OPP/LDPE. Kandungan lembapan, keaktifan air dan bilangan mikroorganisma untuk serbuk kopi meningkat semasa penyimpanan. Namun peningkatan yang berlaku tidak menjejaskan kualiti dan tempoh simpan produk tersebut memandangkan penerimaan panel penilai sensori masih memberikan skor yang melebihi had minimum penerimaan iaitu 4, serta bacaan kandungan mikroorganisma yang rendah. Keputusan kajian menunjukkan bahawa serbuk kopi yang dipek dengan filem boleh dimakan mempunyai hayat penyimpanan sehingga setahun iaitu adalah standing dengan serbuk kopi yang dipek dengan beg aluminum berlaminat.


Kata kunci: Filem boleh dimakan; kajian penyimpanan; rumpai laut; serbuk kopi segera



Study on the application of edible film to pack and preserve the storage quality of instant coffee powder has been carried out. The instant coffee powder was packaged with sachet made of seaweed edible film and subsequently packaged with two types of secondary packaging to protect it from being exposed to water vapour, oxygen, and contaminated with dirt. Type of secondary packaging used were aluminum bags with zipper lock (BA) and aluminum-lined paper canisters (KK). Both BA and KK samples were compared with the control sample which was the original packaging material (AS) by the manufacturer consisting of laminated aluminum bags and the secondary packaging is OPP/LDPE bag. Moisture content, water activity and microorganisms load for coffee powder increased during storage. However, the increase did not affect the quality and shelf life of the product as the acceptability of the sensory panels still gave a score that exceeded the minimum acceptance limit of 4, as well as a low reading of microorganism loads. The results of this study showed that coffee powder packed with edible film has a storage life of up to one year which is comparable with coffee powder packed with laminated aluminum bags.


Keywords: Edible film; instant coffee powder; seaweed; storage study



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