Sains Malaysiana 51(6)(2022): 1609-1624


Stem and Leaf Anatomical Studies of Selected Species of Barlerieae

and Ruellieae (Acanthaceae) from Yemen

(Kajian Anatomi Batang dan Daun Spesies Terpilih Barlerieae

dan Ruellieae (Acanthaceae) dari Yemen)




1Institute of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Science, University of Malaya, 50603 Kuala Lumpur, Federal Territory, Malaysia

2Biology Department, Faculty of Applied Science, Taiz University, Taiz, Yemen

3Department of Biology, Faculty of Art and Science, University of Benghazi, Al-Abiar Branch, Libya

4Department of Biological Science and Biotechnology, Faculty of Science and Technology, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 UKM Bangi, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia


Diserahkan: 1 Disember 2019/Diterima: 26 November 2021



The anatomy of stems and leaves of selected species of tribes Barlerieae and Ruellieae (Acanthaceae) was studied to assess the taxonomic significance of anatomical characteristics in the two tribes. The anatomical characters such as the outline of stems, midribs, petioles, margins, shape of epidermal cells, vascular bundles, stomata, anticlinal cells, cystoliths, aerenchyma cells, layer of wax, layer of hypodermis were observed and analysed. Type of trichomes observed on the leaf surface using Scanning Electron Microscopy and light microscope provides information of taxonomic significance to both tribes and the taxa within them. The trichomes vary from non-glandular (unicellular, bicellular, multicellular, and multiradiate) to capitate glandular. Abundance of long-stalked trichomes was recorded only in Neuracanthus aculeatus. Cystoliths of different size and position are present in epidermis, parenchyma and collenchyma in addition to oil cells in some genera. The placement of Neuracanthus among the recognized tribes of Acanthaceae is assessed using anatomical characters.


Keywords: Acanthaceae; anatomy; Barlerieae; Neuracanthus; Ruellieae; Yemen



Anatomi batang dan daun bagi spesies terpilih daripada tribusBarlerieae dan Ruellieae (Acanthaceae) telah dikaji untuk menilai kesignifikanan ciri taksonomi dalam kedua-dua tribus yang tersebut. Beberapa sifat seperti bentuk umum luar batang, tulang daun, petiol, tepi daun, bentuk sel epidermis, berkas vaskular, stomata, sel antiklin, sistolit, aerenkima, lapisan lilin, lapisan hipodermis juga telah diperhati dan dianalisiskan. Jenis trikom atas permukaan daun yang dicerap di bawah mikroskop imbasan elektron dan mikroskop cahaya memberikan maklumat taksonomi yang signifikan untuk kedua-dua tribus dan juga takson yang berada di bawahnya. Trikom bervariasi daripada yang ringkas (bukan berkelenjar unisel, bisel, berbilang sel dan berbagai radiat) hingga berkelenjar berkepala. Kelimpahan trikom bertangkai hanya direkodkan pada Neuracanthus aculeatus. Sistolit pelbagai saiz dan kedudukan hadirdalam epidermis, parenkima dan kolenkima yang hadir bersama dengan sel minyak dalam beberapa genus. Perletakan Neuracanthus dalam tribus yang diiktirafkan dalam Acanthaceae turut dinilai menggunakan ciri anatomi.


Kata kunci: Acanthaceae; anatomi; Barlerieae; Neuracanthus; Ruellieae; Yemen



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