Sains Malaysiana 52(4)(2023): 1101-1120


Daily Spectral Ocean Surface Albedo due to Small Chlorophyll Concentrations and Cloudy Conditions for 440 nm Wavelength in Coastal Waters

(Permukaan Lautan Spektrum Harian Albedo disebabkan oleh Kepekatan Klorofil Kecil dan Keadaan Mendung untuk Panjang Gelombang 440 nm di Perairan Pantai)




1Department of Earth Sciences and Environment, Faculty of Science and Technology, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 UKM Bangi, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia

2Environmental Technology, School of Industrial Technology, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 11800 Pulau Pinang, Malaysia


Diserahkan: 9 Disember 2022/Diterima: 25 Mac 2023



The spectral daily Ocean Surface Albedo (OSA) is a sensitive parameter dependent on sea surface bio-optical properties and solar radiation distribution due to the transmissivity of the atmosphere. We analyzed the OSA sensitivity to the small concentrations of sea surface phytoplankton due to cloudy conditions, based on measured half-hourly global radiation data, and phytoplankton variability represented by chlorophyll-a concentrations at the upper layers over the Malacca Strait. The influence of the sea surface phytoplankton was examined by using the chlorophyll-a maximum absorption wavelength (440 nm) for a detailed examination of the real phytoplankton impact presented by small concentrations (0.39 - 0.69 mg/m3). The atmosphere transmittance determination was made over the period from January 2016 to March 2016 and January 2017 to March 2017 using hourly clearness index (KTh) estimation. The aim of current study was to examine the influence of sea surface phytoplankton concentrations on the radiation budget and to account the role that the phytoplankton plays in detail short-scale OSA parameterization. Daily timescale spectral OSA includes the bio-optical modelling part, which allowed us to investigate the patterns of diurnal variability of the main reflectance parameters, using Jin et al. scheme for albedo components (direct and diffuse) estimation, was computed. The OSA variability analysis confirmed the bio-optical feedback presented by apparent properties of the coastal waters for the observed conditions. The proposed calculation scheme accounted for the sea surface optical behavior with low concentrations of chlorophyll-a and suggests that albedo variability depends not only on the angle factors, even with the low phytoplankton influence (less than 1 mg/m3). It was found that the phytoplankton pigment absorption properties have less effect in albedo parameterization while the chlorophyll-a concentrations are less than 0.5 mg/m3.


Keywords: Clearness index; ocean surface albedo; ocean upper-layers; photosynthetically active radiation; phytoplankton influence



Spektral harian Albedo Permukaan Lautan (OSA) adalah suatu parameter sensitif yang bergantung kepada ciri bio-optik lautan dan taburan radiasi solar radiasi berdasarkan ketransmisian atmosfera. Kajian in menganalisis kesensitifan OSA terhadap kepekatan rendah fitoplankton permukaan lautan keadaan awan berdasarkan data cerapan radiasi global setengah-jam dan juga keragaman fitoplankton yang diwakili oleh kepekatan klorofil-a lapisan atas permukaan Laut China Selatan. Pengaruh fitoplankton permukaan lautan adalah dikaji berasaskan panjang gelombang serapan maksimum (40 nm) untuk mendapatkan gambaran jelas impak sebenar fitoplankton kepekatan rendah (0.39 - 0.69 mg/m3). Penentu transmisi atmosfera dihasilkan dalam tempoh Januari 2016 ke Mac 2016 dan juga dari Januari 2017 ke Mac 2017 dengan menggunakan jangkaan indeks kecerahan (KTh) berjam. Tujuan kajian ini adalah untuk mengkaji pengaruh fitoplakton permukaan laut ke atas bajet radiasi serta menentukan peranan fitoplankton dalam pemparameteran OSA skala pendek. Spektral OSA berskala harian dihitung termasuk bahagian permodelan bio-optik yang membolehkan kajian corak keragaman diurnal parameter pantulan utama menggunakan skema Jin et al. untuk komponen albedo (langsung dan sebaran). Analisis keragaman OSA mengesahkan bahawa suap-balik bio-optik wujud bagi ciri perairan persisiran keadaan cerapan. Skema pengiraan yang dicadangkan ini mengambi kira ciri optik permukaan laut dengan kepekatan klrofil-a rendah dan mencadangkan bahawa perubahan albedo bukan sahaja bergantung kepada faktor sudut walaupun dengan pengaruh rendah fitoplankton (kurang daripada 1 mg/m3). Didapati ciri serapan pigmen fitoplankton mempunyai kesan kecil terhadap pemparameteran albedo apabila kepekatan klorofil-a adalah rendah daripada 0.5 mg/m3.   


Kata kunci: Albedo permukaan laut; indeks kecerahan; lapisan atas lautan; pengaruh fitoplankton; radiasi aktif fotosintesis



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