Malaysian Journal of Analytical Sciences Vol 19 No 2 (2015): 284 – 290




Antioxidant Activity and Anticarcinogenic Properties of combination extract of soursop (AnNona muricata Linn)

and pearl grass (Hedyotis corymbosa (L.) Lam.)


(Aktiviti Antioksidan dan Antikarsinogenik daripada Ekstrak Campuran Durian Belanda (Annona Muricata Linn) dan Rumput Mutiara (Hedyotis Corymbosa (L.) Lam.)


Susi Endrini1*, Suherman2,  Wahyu Widowati3


1Faculty of Medicine,

YARSI University Cempaka Putih 10510 Jakarta, Indonesia

2Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences,

Muhammadiyah University of Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia

3Faculty of Medicine,

Maranatha Christian University, Jl. Prof drg. Suria Sumantri No.65, Bandung 40164, Indonesia


*Corresponding author:



Received: 17 November 2014;  Accepted: 18 January 2015




Soursop (Annona muricata)  has numerous traditional medicinal uses in South American and the Caribbean, and it has become a popular nutritional medicinal supplement. In the other hand, pearl grass (Hedyotis corymbosa (L.) Lam.) has long been used traditionally as an anti-inflammatory. In this study,  soursop and  pearl grass combined to obtain extracts that have anticancer effects and anti-inflammatory effects, as most patients with cancer, particularly advanced breast cancer often experience inflammation. Two types of combination of extracts made ​​by different solvents ie ethanol extract combination (CSEPE) and water extract combination (CSWPW) have been used. The anticarcinogenic properties of both extracts have been studied by using MTT assay. The antioxidative activity of the extracts which could contribute to their cytotoxic properties was also studied by using DPPH assay. The results showed that the combination extract of ethanolic extract of soursop and pearl grass (CSEPE) has potential anticarcinogenic properties and the properties was decreased during the increment of incubation  time but increased with the increasement of doses. However, the combination extract of water extract of soursop and pearl grass (CSWPW) did not displayed the potential anticarcinogenic properties. The anticarcinogenic properties of CSEPE could be due to their high antioxidant activities.


Keywords : MTT assay, soursop, pearl grass,  MCF-7, antioxidant activity, cytotoxic properties



Durian belanda (Annona muricata) mempunyai banyak kegunaan perubatan tradisional di Amerika Selatan dan Caribbean, dan ia telah menjadi suplemen pemakanan perubatan popular. Di sisi lain, rumput mutiara (Hedyotis corymbosa (L.) Lam.) telah lama digunakan secara tradisional sebagai anti-radang . Dalam kajian ini, durian belanda dan rumput mutiara digabungkan untuk mendapatkan ekstrak yang mempunyai kesan anti-kanser dan anti-radang, kerana kebanyakan pesakit kanser, terutama kanser payudara teruk kerap mengalami keradangan. Dua jenis kombinasi ekstrak dibuat menggunakan pelarut yang berbeza iaitu gabungan ekstrak etanol (CSEPE) dan gabungan ekstrak air (CSWPW).  Kesan anti-karsinogenik kedua-dua ekstrak telah dikaji dengan menggunakan asai MTT. Aktiviti antioksidan daripada ekstrak yang boleh menyumbang kepada sitotoksik mereka juga dikaji dengan menggunakan asai DPPH. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahawa ekstrak gabungan ekstrak etanol daripada durian belanda dan rumput mutiara (CSEPE) mempunyai potensi antikarsinogenik dan kesannya telah menurun dalam tempoh kenaikan masa pengeraman tetapi meningkat dengan peningkatan dos. Walau bagaimanapun, ekstrak gabungan ekstrak air durian belanda dan rumput mutiara (CSWPW) tidak mempunyai kesan antikarsinogenik. Kesan antikarsinogenik daripada CSEPE mungkin disebabkan aktiviti antioksidannya yang tinggi.



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