Malaysian Journal of Analytical Sciences Vol 19 No 2 (2015): 291 – 299




Electrochemical Oxidation of Glycerol Using Gold Electrode


(Pengoksidaan Elektrokimia Gliserol Secara Elektrokimia Menggunakan Elektrod Emas)


Mohamed Rozali Othman* and Amirah Ahmad


School of Chemical Sciences and Food Technology,

Faculty of Science and Technology,

Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 UKM Bangi, Selangor


*Corresponding author:



Received: 30 June 2014; Accepted: 2 December 2014




Cyclic voltammetry, potential linear V and chronocuolometry methods were carried out to gain electrochemical behavior of glycerol at a gold electrode. Potassium hydroxide and sulfuric acid were chosen to be the electrolyte for the electro-oxidation of this organic compound. Besides gold plate electrode, gold composite electrode (Au-PVC) was also used as the working electrode. The Au-PVC composite electrode was characterized by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) to determine its morphological aspects before and after used in electrochemical oxidation of glycerol. In alkaline solution, the adsorption of hydroxide species onto the surface of both gold plate and composite Au-PVC electrodes occurs at potential around 500 mV vs SCE. However, at gold plate electrode, there was a small, broad peak before the drastic escalation of current densities which indicates the charge transfer of the chemisorbed OH- anion. In acidic media, the gold oxide was formed after potential 1.0 V. From the cyclic voltammogram glycerol undergo oxidation twice in potassium hydroxide at gold plate and Au-PVC composite electrodes, while in sulfuric acid, oxidation reaction happened once for glycerol on the gold plate electrode. Overall, electrochemical oxidation of glycerol was more effective in alkaline media. Tafel graph which plotted from potential linear V method shows that Au-PVC composite electrode is better than gold plate electrode for the electro-oxidation of glycerol in alkaline solution. Electrochemical oxidation of glycerol products as analyzed by Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS) produced several carboxylic acids and phenolic compounds.


Keywords: electrochemical oxidation, glycerol, carboxylic acid, phenolic compounds



Kaedah voltammetri kitaran, keupayaan linear V dan kronokuolometri telah dijalankan bagi mengetahui kelakuan elektrokimia sebatian gliserol pada elektrod emas. Kalium hidroksida dan asid sulfurik telah digunakan sebagai elektrolit bagi pengoksidaan elektrokimia sebatian organik tersebut. Selain elektrod kepingan emas, elektrod komposit emas polivinil klorida (Au-PVC) juga digunakan sebagai elektrod kerja (anod). Morfologi elektrod komposit Au-PVC dicirikan dengan Mikroskop Imbasan Elektron (SEM). Dalam larutan alkali, penjerapan sebatian hidroksida pada elektrod kepingan emas dan elektrod komposit Au-PVC berlaku pada keupayaan ±500 mV. Walau bagaimanapun, pada elektrod kepingan emas, terdapat satu puncak lebar yang kecil sebelum peningkatan drastic arus yang dikaitkan dengan pemindahan cas separa anion OH- yang terjerap secara kimia. Dalam larutan berasid, oksida emas terbentuk selepas keupayaan 1.0 V. Berdasarkan voltammogram berkitar gliserol mengalami dua kali pengoksidaan dalam larutan kalium hidroksida pada elektrod kepingan emas dan elektrod komposit Au-PVC. Manakala dalam larutan asid sulfurik, tindak balas pengoksidaan hanya berlaku sekali. Secara keseluruhannya, pengoksidaan elektrokimia gliserol adalah lebih berkesan dalam larutan alkali. Graf Tafel yang diplot melalui kaedah keupayaan linear V menunjukkan bahawa elektrod komposit Au-PVC merupakan elektrod yang lebih baik berbanding elektrod kepingan emas bagi pengoksidaan elektrokimia dalam medium beralkali. Hasil pengoksidaan elektrokimia gliserol yang dianalisa menggunakan Kromatografi Gas-Spektrometer Jisim mendapati produk yang terhasil adalah asid karboksilik dan sebatian fenol.


Kata kunci: pengoksidaan elektrokimia, gliserol, asid karbosilik, sebatian fenol



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