Malaysian Journal of Analytical Sciences Vol 22 No 6 (2018): 950 - 956

DOI: 10.17576/mjas-2018-2206-04






(Kesan Perencatan Kakisan Thiourea Terhadap kepingan Aloi Aluminium 1100 Dalam Larutan Asid Hidroklorik)


Maria Fazira Mohd Fekeri1, Chan Kok Sheng2*, Lee Hou Yi1


1School of Ocean Engineering

2School of Fundamental Science

Universiti Malaysia Terengganu, 21030 Kuala Nerus, Terengganu, Malaysia


*Corresponding author:



Received: 2 September 2018; Accepted: 3 October 2018




Corrosion is the degradation of material properties or mass over time due to environmental effects. It cannot be avoided but can be prevented using appropriate inhibitor for corrosion resistant. In this work, the beneficial role of thiourea as organic inhibitor for the 1100 aluminium (Al) alloy sheet corrosion in hydrochloric (HCl) acid solution was first investigated in detail by a simple gravimetric method. The result showed that increasing concentration of thiourea reduced the weight loss percentage and corrosion rate of Al. Meanwhile, the inhibition efficiency increased up to 52.54% with the increase of thiourea concentration for 30 days of immersion time. The surface morphology of the samples was characterized by metallurgical microscope. It can be observed that the number of corrosion pits distributed on Al surface became fewer as the concentration of thiourea increased, proving the effective retardation of corrosion on Al sheet.


Keywords:  thiourea, aluminium, hydrochloric acid, corrosion rate, inhibition efficiency



Kakisan adalah degradasi ciri-ciri bahan dari semasa ke semasa disebabakan oleh kesan alam sekitar. Kakisan tidak dapat dielakkan tetapi boleh dicegah dengan menggunakan perencat kakisan yang sesuai. Dalam kajian ini, peranan tiourea sebagai perencat organik atas kakisan kepingan 1100 aloi aluminium (Al) dalam larutan asid hidroklorik (HCl) telah dikaji secara terperinci dengan menggunakan kaedah gravimetrik yang mudah. Hasil kajian menunjukkan peningkatan kepekatan tiourea telah mengurangkan peratus kehilangan jisim dan seterusnya kadar kakisan Al. Sementara itu, kecekapan perencatan meningkat kepada 52.54% dengan penambahan kepekatan tiourea dalam larutan HCl. Morfologi permukaan spesimen telah dicirikan melalui mikroskop metalorgikal. Bilangan pit kakisan yang bertaburan pada permukaan Al berkurangan apabila kepekatan tiourea meningkat membuktikan keberkesanan perencatan kakisan pada kepingan Al.


Kata kunci:  tiourea, aluminium, hidroklorik asid, kadar kakisan, kecekapan perencatan



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