Journal of Analytical Sciences Vol 23 No 1 (2019): 138 - 146
(Penghasilan Kompos dari
Tandan Kosong Kelapa Sawit Tanpa Cincang Dicampur dengan Baja Cair Aktif dalam
Menara Komposter)
Irvan1,2*, Muhammad Rahman1,
Dedy Anwar1, Bambang Trisakti1,2, Hiroyuki Daimon3
1Chemical Engineering Department
2Sustainable Energy and Biomaterial Center of
Sumatera Utara, Medan 20155, Indonesia
3Department of Environmental and Life
University of Technology, Toyohashi, 441-8580, Japan
Received: 13
April 2017; Accepted: 17 April 2018
fruit bunches (EFBs) with activated liquid organic fertiliser (ALOF) were
composted in a tower composter. This study was conducted to evaluate the
degradation of non-shredded EFB mixed with ALOF as an activator. The concrete
tower composter with dimensions of 0.40 m x 0.40 m x 3.00 m was used to
accelerate composting time by achieving thermophilic conditions. The moisture
content (MC) of the compost was maintained at 55% - 65%. Compost quality,
temperature, pH, MC, C/N ratio, bacterial count (BC) and electrical
conductivity (EC) were recorded and evaluated. Composting was completed in 40
days, even though EFB turned to dark brown on day 10, indicating
that the compost was mature. The quality of the final compost from day 10 to
day 40 was slightly similar: pH of 7.6–8.4, MC of 41.16%–58.44%, C content of
20.27%–21.34%, N content of 1.02%–1.25%, C/N ratio of 19.94–20.24, BC of 17–41
x 106 CFU g−1 and EC of
3.74–4.90 dS m−1. These results suggested that the
quality of the obtained compost satisfied the Indonesian National Standard.
Keywords: activated liquid organic fertiliser,
composting, empty fruit bunches, tower composter
Buah tandan kosong (EFB) dengan
baja organik cecair teraktif (ALOF) telah dikompos di dalam menara komposter.
Kajian ini dijalankan untuk menilai data degradasi EFB yang tidak diparut
bercampur dengan ALOF sebagai pengaktif. Penggunaan menara komposter, yang
diperbuat daripada konkrit dengan dimensi 0.40 m W x 0.40 m L x 3.00 m H,
adalah untuk pecutan masa pengomposan bagi mencapai keadaan termofilik.
Kandungan lembapan (MC) kompos dikekalkan dalam lingkungan 55 - 65%. Kualiti
kompos, suhu, pH, kandungan lembapan, nisbah C/N, bilangan bakteria (BC), dan
kekonduksian elektrik (EC) telah direkod dan dinilai. Proses pengomposan telah
lengkap dalam masa yang singkat iaitu dalam 40 hari, dan pada hari yang ke-10,
EFB telah bertukar warna menjadi coklat tua yang menunjukkan kematangan kompos.
Kualiti kompos akhir dari hari 10 hingga ke hari 40 menunjukkan kualiti yang
hampir sama iaitu pH antara 7.6 hingga 8.4; kandungan lembapan 41.16 - 58.44%;
C 20.27 - 21.34%; N 1.02 - 1.25%; nisbah
C/N 19.94 - 20.24; bilangan bakteria 17 - 41 x 106 CFU g-1, dan
kekonduksian elektrik 3.7 - 4.9 dS.m-1. Kualiti kompos keluaran yang
diperolehi telah mencapai Piawai Kebangsaan Indonesia (SNI).
Kata kunci: baja organik
cecair teraktif, pengomposan, buah tandan kosong, menara komposter
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