Sains Malaysiana 48(8)(2019):
Determination of Heavy
Metals and Radionuclides in Coal and Industrial Fly Ash by Neutron Activation
Analysis (NAA) and Gamma Spectrometry
(Pengenalpastian Logam
Berat dan Radionuklid pada Arang dan Abu Terbang Industri melalui Analisis
Pengaktifan Neutron (NAA) dan
Spektroskopi Gamma)
1Radiation Exposure and
Laboratory General Directorate, National Atomic Energy Commission (NATEC),
Sana’a, Yemen
2Chemistry Department, Faculty
of Science, University of Benghazi, Benghazi, Libya
3Nuclear Science
Programme, School of Applied Physics, Faculty of Science and Technology, Universiti
Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 UKM Bangi, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia
4University of Kuala
Lumpur, Jalan Sultan Ismail, 50540 Kuala Lumpur, Federal Territory, Malaysia
24 February 2019/Accepted: 24 May 2019
Coal-fired power plants
and industrial waste (IW) incinerators increasingly dispose
large amounts of fly ash that cause environmental contamination by toxic heavy
metals. This study aimed to investigate the concentration of heavy metals and
measure the specific activity of naturally occurring radioactive materials (NORM)
that remain in the fly ash of coal power plants and industrial incinerators.
Ash samples were collected from the Kapar and Jana Manjung coal-fired power
plants and the Kualiti Alam industrial incinerator in Malaysia. The
concentrations of As, Ba, Co, Cr, Fe, Sb, Zn, Th and U were determined via
neutron activation analysis (NAA). Results indicated that
the highest concentrations of heavy metals in Kapar and Jana Manjung coal fly
ash were 27 012 and 57 500 mg/kg for Fe and 494 and 1,119 mg/kg for Ba,
respectively, and the lowest concentrations for Sb were at 3.67 and 2.23 mg/kg,
respectively. The concentrations of Fe, Zn, Ba and Cr in industrial fly ash
were 31 0007, 7 675, 2 760 and 1,029 mg/kg, respectively. The concentrations of
As, Ba, Cr, Fe and Zn were higher in industrial fly ash than in coal fly ash.
The specific activity concentrations of NORM, namely, 40K, 226Ra, 232Th
and 238U determined by gamma spectrometry in Kapar coal fly
ash were 321.65, 27.42, 134.41 and 152.71 Bq/kg, respectively. Elemental
concentration results indicated that the amounts of heavy metals depended on
feed sources and combustion temperatures. Most heavy metal contents and
radionuclides in power plant and incinerator fly ash were significantly lower
or within the global ranges.
Keywords: Fly ash;
heavy metals; naturally occurring radioactive materials (NORM);
Neutron Activation Analysis (NAA)
Loji janakuasa
berasaskan arang batu dan insinerator sisa industri (IW) berterusan
melepaskan sejumlah besar abu cerobong yang menyebabkan pencemaran alam sekitar
disebabkan kandungan logam berat bertoksik. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji
kepekatan logam berat dan mengukur aktiviti khusus bahan radioaktif terjadi
secara alami (NORM) yang masih bersisa di dalam abu cerobong dari loji
janakuasa arang batu dan insinerator industri. Sampel abu telah diambil dari
loji janakuasa arang batu Kapar dan Jana Manjung dan insinerator industri
Kualiti Alam di Malaysia. Kepekatan As, Ba, Co, Cr, Fe, Sb, Zn, Th dan U
ditentukan melalui analisis pengaktifan neutron (NAA).
Keputusan menunjukkan bahawa kepekatan tertinggi logam berat dalam sisa abu
cerobong di Kapar dan Jana Manjung adalah 27,012 dan 57,500 mg/kg untuk Fe dan
494 dan 1 119 mg/kg untuk Ba, dan kepekatan terendah bagi Sb adalah 3.67 dan
2.23 mg/kg. Kepekatan Fe, Zn, Ba dan Cr dalam industri abu cerobong adalah
31,0007, 7,675, 2,760 dan 1,029 mg/kg. Kepekatan As, Ba, Cr, Fe dan Zn adalah
lebih tinggi dalam abu cerobong industri daripada abu cerobong arang batu.
Kepekatan aktiviti khusus daripada NORM, iaitu 40K, 226Ra, 232Th
dan 238U ditentukan oleh spektroskopi gama di abu cerobong
arang batu Kapar masing-masing adalah 321.65, 27.42, 134.41 dan 152.71 Bq/kg.
Kepekatan unsur menunjukkan bahawa jumlah logam berat bergantung kepada sumber
bekalan dan suhu pembakaran. Kebanyakan kandungan logam berat dan radionuklid
di loji janakuasa dan insinerator abu cerobong adalah lebih rendah dengan
ketara atau dalam julat global.
Kata kunci: Abu
cerobong; analisis pengaktifan neutron (NAA); bahan
radioaktif terjadi secara alami (NORM); logam
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