Sains Malaysiana 43(5)(2014):
Effects of Raw Material Particles Size, Types of Solvents and Solvent-to-Solid
Ratio on the Yield of Rotenone Extracted from Derris elliptica Roots
(Kesan Saiz Partikel Bahan Mentah, Jenis Pelarut dan Nisbah Pelarut-kepada-Pepejal
terhadap Keberhasilan Rotenon Diekstrak daripada akar Derris elliptica)
of Chemical Sciences & Food Technology, Faculty of Science and
Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 Bangi, Selangor D.E. Malaysia
of Bioproduct Development, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
UTM Skudai, Johor D.T., Malaysia
13 Jun 2013/Diterima: 1 September 2013
Currently, bio-pesticide is relatively harmless to human and
environment and thus desirable for its use in the control of insect vectors.
Bio-pesticide has been increasingly importance in both scale commercial
agriculture and small plot, subsistence farming. One of the sources for
bio-pesticide is ‘tuba’ plant, known as Derris elliptica. Derris elliptica contains bio-active
compounds known as rotenone (C23H33O6) which is
harmless to plants, highly toxic to many insects and relatively innocuous to
mammals. The study was carried out to investigate the appropriate processing
parameters with the aimed to acquire high yield of rotenone (mg) and
concentration (mg/mL) of the exhaustive extraction process by evaluating the
kinetics of the normal soaking extraction (NSE) method. The raw
plants were collected from Kota Johor Lama, Johor and sorted to collect the
root. The roots were sorted into 2 types of raw material particles size (mm in
diameter) prior to the extraction process. Rotenone from the root part was extracted
by using a NSE method at ambient temperature of 27±1oC. Three types of
solvents and 2 solvent-to-solid ratios were utilized throughout the extraction
process. The extraction was carried out for 50 h and the fractions of the
liquid crude extract were collected for each interval time (2 h/mL/fraction)
and further cleaned up to remove any fine debris prior to the determination of
rotenone content (mg) and its concentration (mg/mL) via reverse-phase high
performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC). From the kinetics result obtained,
it was found that the fine Derris elliptica roots with particles size of
0.5 - 2 mm in diameter and solvent-to-solid ratio of 10 mL/g of acetone solvent
system were considered the best processing parameters to procure high yield of
rotenone and its concentration.
Keywords: Derris
elliptica; exhaustive extraction; liquid crude extract; normal soaking
extraction; rotenone; yield
Pada masa ini, secara relatifnya bio-pestisid tidak mendatangkan
sebarang kesan berbahaya kepada manusia dan alam sekitar dan ia sesuai untuk kegunaan mengawal vektor serangga. Kepentingan
bio-pestisid telah pun meningkat pada skala pertanian berkomersial dan kelompok
kecilan serta kehidupan dalam pertanian sedia ada. Salah satu sumber
untuk bio-pestisid adalah pokok tuba yang dikenali sebagai Derris elliptica. Derris elliptica mengandungi
bahan bio-aktif yg dikenali sebagai rotenone (C23H33O6) dan ia tidak berbahaya kepada tumbuhan, sangat toksik kepada
kebanyakan serangga dan secara relatifnya tidak berbahaya kepada mamalia.
Kajian ini dijalankan untuk mengenal pasti parameter pemprosesan tertentu
dengan objektif untuk mendapatkan keberhasilan rotenon dan kepekatan yang
tinggi oleh pengekstrakan menyeluruh dengan menilai fasa kinetik kaedah pengekstrakan
celuran norma (NSE). Sumber pokok mentah
dikumpulkan dari Kota Johor Lama, Johor dan diasingkan untuk pengumpulan akar. Akar pokok diasingkan mengikut 2 jenis saiz partikel bahan mentah (diameter
dalam mm) sebelum proses pengekstrakan. Rotenon daripada
bahagian akar diekstrak menggunakan kaedah NSE pada suhu bilik iaitu
27±1oC. Tiga
jenis pelarut dan 2 nisbah pelarut-kepada-pepejal digunakan sepanjang proses
tersebut. Proses pengekstrakan dijalankan selama 50 jam dan fraksi daripada
cecair ekstrak mentah dikumpulkan bagi setiap sela masa tertentu (2
jam/mL/fraksi) dan seterusnya ditapis untuk mengeluarkan sebarang serbuk halus
sebelum analisis kandungan rotenon (mg) dan kepekatannya (mg/mL) dengan
menggunakan fasa terbalik cecair kromatografi berprestasi tinggi (RP-HPLC).
Daripada keputusan uji kaji kinetik, didapati bahawa akar Derris elliptica halus bersaiz 0.5 - 2 mm dalam diameter dan nisbah pelarut-kepada-pepejal 10
mL/g bagi sistem pelarut aseton boleh dianggap sebagai parameter pemprosesan
yang terbaik untuk mendapatkan keberhasilan dan kepekatan bahan aktif rotenone
yang tinggi.
Kata kunci: Derris elliptica; rotenone; pengekstrakan celuran norma; pengekstrakan menyeluruh; cecair ekstrak mentah;
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