Sains Malaysiana 46(5)(2017): 763–771


Soil Organic Matter Mineralization under Different Temperatures and Moisture Conditions in Kőzőldağ Plateau, Turkey

(Pemineralan Jirim Tanah Organik di Bawah Suhu dan Lembapan Berbeza di Dataran Penara Kőzőldağ, Turki)





1Department of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, Cukurova University, Turkey


2Central Research Laboratory, Cukurova University, Turkey

3Department of Biology, Cukurova University, Turkey

4Department of Biology, University of Osmaniye Korkut Ata, Turkey 

Diserahkan: 7 Julai 2016/Diterima: 10 Oktober 2016



Drought by climate change in East Mediterranean Region will change soil temperature and moisture that lead to alter the cycling of biological elements like carbon and nitrogen. However, there are few studies that show how sensitivity of soil organic matter mineralization to temperature and/or moisture can be modified by changes in these parameters. In order to study how these changes in temperature and moisture affect soil carbon and nitrogen mineralization, a laboratory experiment was carried out in two depths (0-5 and 5-15 cm) of soils of Onobrychis beata and Trifolium speciosum being common annual plants in Turkey that was taken from Kőzőldag Plataeu (Adana city). Some soil physical and chemical properties and as well as rate of carbon and nitrogen mineralizations were determined for both depths of soils. These soils were incubated for 42 days under different field capacities (FC 60, 80 and 100%) and temperatures (24, 28 and 32ˇC). Cumulative carbon mineralization (Cm), potential mineralizable carbon (C0) and rate of carbon mineralization of all soils were increased with rising temperatures. Rate of carbon mineralization in O. beata soil were lower than T. speciosum soil. NH4-N and NO3-N contents at 42nd day were higher than initial levels of soils and also increased with temperatures and field capacities. In summary, sensitivity of soil organic matter mineralization to temperature was higher at 32ˇC in upper layer and lower at 24ˇC in deeper layer of both soils.


Keywords: Climate change; East Mediterranean Region; incubation experiment; soil C and N mineralization



Kemarau yang disebabkan oleh perubahan iklim di Rantau Mediterranean Timur akan mengubah suhu tanah dan lembapan yang membawa kepada perubahan kitaran unsur biologi seperti karbon dan nitrogen. Walau bagaimanapun, terdapat beberapa kajian yang menunjukkan bagaimana sensitiviti pemineralan jirim tanah organik ke atas suhu dan/atau lembapan boleh diubah suai melalui perubahan kepada parameter ini. Dalam usaha untuk mengkaji bagaimana perubahan dalam suhu dan lembapan mempengaruhi karbon tanah dan pemineralan nitrogen, uji kaji makmal telah dijalankan pada dua kedalaman (0-5 dan 5-15 cm) daripada tanih Onobrychis beata dan Trifolium speciosum yang merupakan tumbuhan biasa di Turki yang telah diambil dari Penara Kőzőldag (bandar Adana). Beberapa sifat fizikal dan kimia tanah serta kadar pemineralan karbon dan nitrogen telah ditentukan bagi kedua-dua kedalaman tanah. Tanah ini telah dieram selama 42 hari di bawah kapasiti bidang yang berlainan (FC 60, 80 dan 100%) dan suhu (24, 28 dan 32ˇC). Pemineralan karbon kumulatif (Cm), potensi karbon boleh dimineral (C0) dan peningkatan kadar pemineralan karbon untuk semua tanah dengan peningkatan suhu. Kadar pemineralan karbon dalam tanah O. beata adalah lebih rendah daripada tanah T. speciosum. Kandungan NH4-N dan NO3-N pada hari ke-42 adalah lebih tinggi daripada tanah peringkat awal dan meningkat dengan suhu dan kapasiti lapangan. Kesimpulannya, sensitiviti pemineralan jirim tanah organik kepada suhu adalah lebih tinggi pada 32ˇC dalam lapisan atas dan 24ˇC pada lapisan bawah untuk kedua-dua tanah.


Kata kunci: Pemineralan tanah C dan N; perubahan iklim; Rantau Mediterranean Timur; uji kaji incubator



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