Malaysian Journal of Analytical Sciences Vol 20 No 1 (2016): 14 - 20






(Pengekstrakan Mikro Cecair-cecair Serakan yang Terubahsuai dengan Pelarut Hijau untuk Penentuan Polisiklik Aromatik Hidrokarbon (PAHs) dalam

Sampel Sayur – Sayuran)


Chai Mee Kin1*, Premla Devi Chander2, Wong Ling Shing3


1Department of Civil Engineering, College of Engineering

2College of Graduate School

Universiti Tenaga Nasional, 43000 Kajang, Selangor, Malaysia

3Faculty of Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics,

INTI International University, 71800 Nilai, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia


*Corresponding author:



Received: 9 August 2015; Accepted: 11 December 2015




According to International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), most of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) known as genotoxic human carcinogen and mutagenic. PAHs represent as poorly degradable pollutants that exist in soils, sediments, surface water and atmosphere. A simple, rapid and sensitive extraction method termed modified Dispersive Liquid-Liquid Microextraction (DLLME) using green solvent was developed to determine PAHs in vegetable samples namely radish, cabbage and cucumber prior to Gas Chromatography Flame Ionization Detection (GC–FID). The extraction method is based on replacing chlorinated organic extraction solvent in the conventional DLLME with low toxic solvent, 1-bromo-3-methylbutane without using dispersive solvent. Several experimental factors such as type and volume of extraction solvents, extraction time, confirmation of 12 PAHs by GC-MS, recovery percentages on vegetable samples and the comparative analysis with conventional DLLME were carried out. Both DLLME were successfully extracted 12 types of PAHs. In modified DLLME, the recoveries of the analytes obtained were in a range of 72.72 – 88.07 % with RSD value below 7.5 % which is comparable to the conventional DLLME. The use of microliter of low toxic extraction solvent without addition of dispersive solvent caused the method is economic and environmental friendly which is fulfill the current requirement, green chemistry based analytical method.


Keywords:  polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, modified dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction, gas chromatography flame ionization detection



Menurut agensi antarabangsa bagi penyelidikan kanser (IARC), kebanyakan Polisiklik Aromatik Hidrokarbon (PAHs) dikenali sebagai karsinogen genotoksik terhadap manusia dan mutagen. PAHs mewakili sebagai pencemar degradasi rendah yang wujud dalam tanah, enapan, air permukaan dan atmosfera. Satu kaedah pengekstrakan yang mudah, pantas dan sensitif yang digelar sebagai pengekstrakan mikro cecair – cecair serakan (DLLME) yang terubahsuai dengan pelarut hijau telah dibangunkan bagi penentuan PAHs dalam sampel sayur – sayuran iaitu lobak, kubis dan timun sebelum diukur menggunakan gas kromatografi – pengesan nyala pengionan (GC–FID). Kaedah pengekstrakan ini adalah berdasarkan penggantian pelarut pengekstrakan organik berklorin di dalam DLLME konvensional dengan pelarut rendah toksik, 1-bromo-3-metilbutana tanpa menggunakan pelarut penyebar. Beberapa factor eksperimen seperti jenis dan isipadu pelarut pengekstrakan, masa pengekstrakan, pengesahan 12 PAHs dengan GC-MS, peratusan perolehan semula sampel sayur – sayuran dan perbandingan analisis dengan DLLME konvensional telah dijalankan. Kedua – dua teknik DLLME telah berjaya mengekstrak 12 jenis PAHs. Bagi DLLME terubahsuai, perolehan semula analit berada dalam julat 72.72 – 88.07 % dengan nilai RSD adalah kurang daripada 7.5 % iaitu setanding dengan teknik DLLME konvensional. Penggunaan mikroliter pelarut pengekstrakan yang rendah toksik tanpa penambahan pelarut penyebar menyebabkan kaedah ini ekonomik dan mesra alam yang memenuhi keperluan semasa iaitu kaedah analisis berasaskan kimia hijau.


Kata kunci: polisiklik aromatik hidrokarbon, pengekstrakan mikro cecair-cecair serakan yang terubahsuai, gas kromatografi-pengesan nyala pengionan



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