Malaysian Journal of Analytical Sciences Vol 20 No 2 (2016): 436 - 443




emulsion liquid membrane technology in organic ACID PURIFICATION


(Teknologi Emulsi Membran Cecair dalam Penulenan Asid Organik)


Norela Jusoh1, Norasikin Othman1,2*, Nur Alina Nasruddin1


1Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Chemical and Energy Engineering

2Centre of Lipids Engineering & Applied Research, Ibnu Sina Institute for Scientific and Industrial Research

Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 81310 UTM Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia


*Corresponding author:



Received: 14 April 2015; Accepted: 30 November 2015




Emulsion Liquid Membrane (ELM) process have shown a great potential in wide application of industrial separations such as in removal of many chemicals, organic compounds, metal ions, pollutants and biomolecules. This system promote many advantages including simple operation, high selectivity, low energy requirement, and single stage extraction and stripping process. One potential application of ELM is in the purification of succinic acid from fermentation broth. This study outline steps for developing emulsion liquid membrane process in purification of succinic acid. The steps include liquid membrane formulation, ELM stability and ELM extraction of succinic acid. Several carrier, diluent and stripping agent was screened to find appropriate membrane formulation. After that, ELM stability was investigated to enhance the recovery of succinic acid. Finally, the performance of ELM was evaluated in the extraction process. Results show that formulated liquid membrane using Amberlite LA2 as carrier, palm oil as diluent and sodium carbonate, Na2CO3 as stripping agent provide good performance in purification. On the other hand, the prepared emulsion was observed to be stable up to 1 hour and sufficient for extraction process. In conclusion, ELM has high potential to purify succinic acid from fermentation broth. 


Keywords: emulsion liquid membrane, purification, succinic acid, formulation, stability



Proses emulsi membran cecair (ELM) telah menunjukkan potensi yang hebat dalam pelbagai aplikasi pemisahan perindustrian seperti pembuangan pelbagai bahan kimia, sebatian organik, ion logam, bahan pencemar, dan molekul biologi. Sistem ini menawarkan banyak kelebihan termasuk operasi yang mudah, sangat selektif, keperluan tenaga yang rendah, dan proses pengekstrakan dan pelucutan dalam satu peringkat. Satu potensi aplikasi ELM adalah dalam proses penulenan asid succinic daripada larutan penapaian. Kajian ini menggariskan beberapa langkah untuk membangunkan proses emulsi membran cecair dalam penulenan asid sussinik. Langkah – langkah tersebut termasuklah formulasi cecair membran, kestabilan ELM, dan pengekstrakan asik sussinik menggunakan ELM. Beberapa pembawa, pelarut, dan agen pelucutan telah ditapis untuk mencari rumusan membran yang sesuai. Selepas itu, kestabilan ELM dikaji untuk meningkatkan perolehan asid sussinik. Akhir sekali, prestasi ELM dinilai dalam proses pengekstakan. Keputusan menunjukkan bahawa rumusan cecair membran menggunakan Amberlite LA2 sebagai pembawa, minyak kelapa sawit sebagai pelarut dan natrium karbonat, Na2CO3 sebagai agen pelucutan memberikan prestasi yang baik dalam proses penulenan. Disamping itu, emulsi diperhatikan stabil sehingga 1 jam dan ini mencukupi untuk proses pengekstrakan. Kesimpulannya, ELM berpotensi tinggi untuk mnulenkan asid sussinik daripada proses penapaian.


Kata kunci: emulsi membran cecair, penulenan, asid sussinik, formulasi, kestabilan



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