Malaysian Journal of Analytical Sciences Vol 20 No 5 (2016): 1123 - 1128







(Morfologi Partikel Lateks Bagi Lateks Getah Asli Terepoksi dan Lateks Getah Asli Kandungan Tinggi Ammonia daripada Teknik-Teknik Mikroskopi Elektron)


Norhanifah Mohd Yazid*, Fatimah Rubaizah Mohd Rasdi, Asrul Mustafa


Technology and Engineering Division,

Malaysian Rubber Board, 47000 Sungai Buloh, Selangor, Malaysia


*Corresponding author:



Received: 10 June 2015; Accepted: 21 July 2016




The rubber latex particle morphology, size and also arrangements of various types of natural rubber latex are investigated in the latex state using Environmental Scanning Microscope (ESEM). Subsequently the changes in the morphology after film formation is observed using Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy (FESEM). Prior to film formation, in the latex state, epoxidised natural rubber showed marked differences in latex particle morphology and arrangement compared to high ammonia latex. Subsequently, after the films are formed, the microscopy results exhibited certain dissimilarities between high ammonia and epoxidised natural rubber latex films particularly particle clustering. It is revealed that the high ammonia natural rubber latex film showed distinctly larger spherical shaped latex particles at the surface of the films in contrast to the smaller latex particles as observed in the epoxidised natural rubber latex film. The present study provides insight into the differences in the film formation between high ammonia and epoxidised natural rubber latex, which may also influence the properties of the resulting rubber latex films and latex products.


Keywords:  high ammonia natural rubber latex, epoxidised natural rubber latex, film formation, latex particles



Morfologi partikel lateks getah, saiz dan juga susunan pelbagai jenis lateks getah asli dicirikan dalam bentuk lateks menggunakan Mikroskop Imbasan Alam Sekitar (ESEM). Selepas itu perubahan morfologi selepas pembentukan filem diperhatikan menggunakan Mikroskop Elektron  Imbasan  Medan (FESEM). Sebelum pembentukan filem, dalam bentuk lateks, getah asli terepoksi menunjukkan perbezaan yang ketara dalam morfologi partikel lateks dan susunan berbanding lateks getah asli ammonia kandungan tinggi. Selepas itu, setelah filem terbentuk, analisis mikroskop menunjukkan ketidaksamaan tertentu antara filem lateks getah asli kandungan tinggi ammonia dan lateks getah asli terepoksi terutamanya kelompok partikel. Ia mendedahkan bahawa filem bagi lateks getah asli kandungan tinggi ammonia menunjukkan partikel lateks berbentuk sfera jelas lebih besar di permukaan filem berbeza dengan partikel lateks yang lebih kecil sebagaimana yang berlaku di filem lateks getah asli terepoksi. Kajian ini memberi gambaran tentang perbezaan dalam pembentukan filem di antara lateks getah asli kandungan tinggi ammonia dan lateks getah asli terepoksi, yang juga boleh mempengaruhi sifat – sifat yang terhasil filem lateks getah dan produk getah.


Kata kunci: lateks getah asli kandungan tinggi ammonia, lateks getah asli terepoksi, pembentukan filem, partikel lateks



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