Malaysian Journal of Analytical Sciences Vol 21 No 3 (2017): 627 - 632







(Perbandingan Degradasi In Vitro Bagi Perancah Gentian Nano Polikaprolakton dan Polikaprolakton/Gelatin)


Lim Mim Mim1 and Naznin Sultana1,2*


1Department of Clinical Sciences, Faculty of Biosciences and Medical Engineering

2Advanced Membrane Technology Research Center

Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 81310 Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia


*Corresponding author:



Received: 26 August 2016; Accepted: 8 January 2017




Tissue engineering has emerged to provide a new medical therapy in helping tissue regrowth and regeneration by employing scaffold as an artificial supporting structure for cellular growth. Many polymers have been utilized in the fabrication of these artificial scaffolds, but there is still a need to fabricate hydrophilic nanofibrous scaffold with appropriate degradation rate. In this study, polycaprolactone (PCL) and polycaprolactone/gelatin (PCL/Ge) 70:30 nanofibrous scaffolds were fabricated using electrospinning technique and compared on in vitro degradation rate to determine a more suitable scaffold for skin tissue engineering application. In vitro degradation was evaluated by morphological changes, water uptake, and chemical bonding until 12 weeks. Result shows that both PCL and PCL/Ge (70:30) nanofibrous scaffolds were degraded after 8th week. However, the degradation rate of PCL nanofibrous scaffold is slower and does not has obvious morphological changes. PCL/Ge (70:30) nanofibrous scaffold with faster degradation rate have the potential for skin tissue engineering application.


Keywords:    tissue engineering, nanofibrous scaffold, in vitro degradation, polycaprolactone, polycaprolactone/ gelatin



Kejuruteraan tisu muncul untuk menyediakan terapi perubatan baru dalam membantu pertumbuhan semula tisu dengan menggunakan perancah sebagai struktur sokongan tiruan untuk pertumbuhan selular. Banyak polimer telah digunakan dalam penghasilan perancah ini, namun masih wujud permintaan terhadap penghasilan perancah gentian hidrofilik yang bersaiz nano dengan kadar degradasi yang sesuai. Dalam kajian ini, gentian perancah nano polikaprolakton (PCL) dan polikaprolakton/gelatin (PCL/Ge) 70:30 telah dihasilkan dengan teknik putaran elekron dan kadar degradasi in vitro dibandingkan untuk menentukan perancah yang lebih sesuai bagi aplikasi kejuruteraan tisu kulit. Degradasi in vitro telah dinilai melalui perubahan morfologi, penyerapan air, dan ikatan kimia kedua-dua gentian perancah nano sehingga 12 minggu. Keputusan menunjukkan kedua-dua PCL dan PCL/Ge (70:30) gentian perancah nano telah degradasi selepas minggu ke-8. Walau bagaimanapun, kadar degradasi gentian perancah nano PCL adalah lebih perlahan dan tiada perubahan morfologi yang jelas. Gentian perancah nano PCL/Ge (70:30) dengan kadar degradasi yang lebih cepat mempunyai potensi dalam bidang kejuruteraan tisu kulit.


Kata kunci:  kejuruteraan tisu, perancah gentian nano, degradasi in vitro, polikaprolakton, polikaprolakton/gelatin



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