Malaysian Journal of Analytical Sciences Vol 21 No 3 (2017): 719 - 725







(Kajian Awal Penyingkiran Sulfur Dioksida Menggunakan Kulit Telur Yang Di Kalsin)


Sumathi Sethupathi1*, Yap Chen Kai1, Leong Loong Kong2, Yamuna Munusamy1, Mohamed Jaber Khalil Bashir1, Nurshasabila Iberahim1


1Faculty of Engineering and Green Technology,

Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman, 31900 Kampar, Perak, Malaysia

2LKC Faculty of Engineering and Science,

Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman, 43000 Kajang, Selangor, Malaysia


*Corresponding author:


Received: 28 November 2016; Accepted: 5 February 2017




The combustion of coal for energy had created severe environmental issues mainly due to the release of particulate matter and flue gases containing sulphur dioxide (SO2) during the processing. At present limestone based adsorbent is used to desulphurize flue gas. Egg shell is a type of food waste and it contains high amount of calcium carbonate which is similar to limestone. In this study, the potential of egg shell as a substitute material to replace commercial limestone based calcium oxide was investigated. Waste egg shell and commercial calcium carbonate (limestone)(CCC) were calcined at various temperatures (750 – 950 ºC) and holding time (2 and 4 hours). The calcined samples were tested for SO2 adsorption using a gas reactor at room temperature with a flow rate of 300 mL/min. The initial concentration of SO2 is 200 ppm. Characterization of the adsorbents will be done using Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR), Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET) and X-ray Diffraction (XRD) to understand the sorption behavior. Calcined egg shell and calcined CCC takes about 110 min and 180 min for saturation. It is noted that calcined egg shell could remove SO2 alike calcined CCC. However, the adsorption capacity of egg shell is lower compared to CCC and this could be due to impurities.


Keywords:  sulphur dioxide, adsorption, egg shell, calcium carbonate



Pembakaran arang batu untuk sumber tenaga telah mewujudkan isu-isu alam sekitar yang teruk disebabkan oleh pembebasan habuk tertentu dan gas serombong yang mengandungi sulfur dioksida (SO2) semasa pemprosesan. Pada masa ini, batu kapur berasaskan serapan digunakan untuk menyingkirkan gas serombong. Kulit telur adalah sejenis sisa makanan dan ia mengandungi jumlah kalsium karbonat yang tinggi dan sama seperti batu kapur. Dalam kajian ini, potensi kulit telur sebagai bahan pengganti untuk menggantikan kalsium oksida daripada batu kapur komersial telah dikaji. Sisa kulit telur dan kalsium karbonat komersial (batu kapur) (CCC) telah dibakar pada pelbagai suhu (750 – 950 ºC) dan masa induk (2 and 4 jam). Sampel yang telah dibakar kemudian diuji untuk penyerapan SO2 menggunakan reaktor gas pada suhu bilik dengan kadar aliran 300 mL/min. Kepekatan awal SO2 adalah 200 ppm. Pencirian serapan dilakukan dengan menggunakan Infra merah Transformasi Fourier (FTIR), Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET) dan pembelauan Sinar-X (XRD) untuk memahami keadaan penyerapan itu. Kalsin kulit telur and kalsin CCC masing-masing memerlukan tempoh selama 110 min and 180 min untuk mencapai ketepuan. Ternyata bahawa kalsin kulit telur boleh menyingkirkan SO2 seperti kalsin CCC. Walau bagaimanapun, kapasiti penyerapan kalsin kulit telur lebih rendah berbanding dengan kalsin CCC yang mungkin disebabkan oleh berhadas.  


Kata kunci:  sulfur dioksida, penyerapan, kulit telur, kalsium karbonat



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